US Yahoo News

- Lauren Johnston, Executive Editor, Yahoo News U.S.
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2361 results found
Make it possible to change a Thumb Up/Down after it's made!!!!!!!!!!!
Make it possible to change a Thumb Up/Down after it's made!!!!!!!!!!! If an accidental click is made, or the comment is reread and mind changed, they should be alterable.
On comics page, allow A to Z index to scroll independently of comics display.
Comics/editorial cartoons index always reverts to the beginning of the list once a selection is made. Selecting a new item requires scrolling through the entire index again. If index column stayed at current selection until a new selection is made, it would be easier to use.
Too many Videos and Gallery items on my news feed
I prefer to read. In recent months, there has been an increase in videos and gallery selections. I'd prefer NOT to see them. Give me the option to turn them off and replace them with something more relevant to my taste.
Sorry, we are having trouble connecting right now. Please try again.
"Sorry, we are having trouble connecting right now. Please try again."
Try fixing your website then..
Go to post my comment ... sorry you are not signed in... pardon me ... I am signed in - refresh page - oh! you are signed in....
Again !
TRY FIX YOUR WEBSITE SO IT WORKS PROPERLY !!!!Now again - WTF???? The page says sign in - then refresh says it IS signed in and to post - it now says you need to sign in ???? I never logged out so what's with all the sign in **** ?
You only gave the choice of the LV Sun newspaper I want the Review Jounal not the Sun
You will not let me remove the LV Sun and replace it with the LV Review Journal. The Sun is a throw away rag. The RJ is the real Las Vegas newspaper in fact the Sun is an insert in the RJ could you please correct that.
Old news articles posted before current news.
When a news article has been posted for 24 hours let it move on. You still have the West Virginia drinking water story before current news. There are several others that way. Scroll them down before posting a newer article. It isn't right that you have to scan the headlines to get to current news about a third of the way down the list.
Please do not post news stories in Spanish.
Have a separate section if readers want articles in Spanish.
Your Left Wing ***** on news is Obvious. respect your readers. Offer more balance. Almost every other headline is some attack on GOP.
Include more headlines from more "objective" sources; not just left-wing sources like the Daily Beast. If you include HuffPo and Daily Beast headlines, then why not Fox News? It's only fair.
Provide the time of the last page refresh
Provide the time of the last page refresh
Use quality advertisers, no more cheap swimsuit photo ads!
The type of cheap looking skin ads on Yahoo! makes it look like a fake site. Choose ads that fit the content and are more professional. How bad is Yahoo! doing anyway??
Be more balanced in your reporting hire some conservative reporters. Do we really need a ********** story every day.
Do we really need to see 2 homosexuals kissing everyday. How about focusing in on real issues like ObamaCare,the economy,maybe have a liberal point of view (that should not be hard for Yahoo) then have a conservative counter point of view (that will be very hard for Yahoo) It is called balanced reporting. Yahoo reporting right now is no different then listening to the lams-stream media. If you brought conservative in to the mix you would become much more popular ever wonder why Fox News has more viewership then CNN and MSNBC combined. You would thing Yahoo would do it…
Yahoo News going down hill... Too Too Much Old News...
Yahoo News going down hill... Too Too Much Old News...
You haven't changed the Politics section headlight articles in WEEKS! I realize Yahoo! is so pro-Obama it hurts but enough is enough!
You haven't changed the Politics section headline articles in WEEKS! I realize Yahoo! is so pro-Obama it hurts but enough is enough! We get that Obama thinks if the Republicans just go away we could have a breakthrough 2014. It literally oozes out of his very being.
Do not turn the news page into a picture board!!!!!
It's slower to navigate,
pictures do not allow you to read quickly the title and decide what to read,
only 6 or 8 news are displayed on the screen,
kids will not read the news by making then look cute,
but young adults, middle aged and older adults will be turned off.It's not a matter of being cute, but to be functional.
Get rid of the giant freaking search bar!!!!
This has been overwhelmingly asked for, what is the purpose? Why do you refuse to do this?
Stop the auto play videos without having a stop, pause or silence button
I clicked on a news page and a loud commercial started in a video window. People were sleeping and I didn't want a video. There was no stop or pause button. when i clicked on the video a new tab opened to tell me about the product in the ad. I then had to close that tab, then close the yahoo tab. now i have to remember never to read yahoo news stories at work or at home with people sleeping.
Search your own comments or for comments/users on an article upon which you commented
A search feature to find older comments under My Comments or within articles/news upon which you've previously commented upon would be great. It would make it easier to follow a conversation or follow up on one. Such a feature might contain options for either word and/or name searches.
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