Quit having me click twice or more!
When I click an article to read, I don't want to have to click another link to 'read more'. Why do you think I clicked the link in the first place, to hopefully have to click more links? I immediately leave the page and never look back. Same with a full page ad, I just close the browser window and move on. If you want readers to stay on your site maybe you could make it easier without the annoyance of redundant clicking.
Gary Kindle commented
Stupid marketing scheme that is backfiring...and annoying......especialli stupid when you give ONE sentance at a tiime. Person enforcing this stupid practice should be fired!!!
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
I agree but know you won't change since the clicking is making money. Bye, Bye Yahoo!
Your going down the tubes anyway. -
vincent pepperlip commented
Agree. This is a most annoying, and insulting, feature of Yahoo. Of course I wanted to "read more".... that's WHY I clicked the link in the first place. I've almost given up on reading Yahoo News because of this..... as it is, I close many many articles without reading them because of it.
RB commented
What I've gotten in the habit of doing is to note the "source" and then go there to read the story. Ditch Yahoo as your news source!
Michael commented
I agree with all the other comments.
Anonymous commented
What makes Blondie think that I want to click several times to read an article? Is that something she picked up watching her toddler? Get rid of it!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Yes, the see us as only money generating morons who will click anything. It's their new click bait. Since the public was up in arms about that, they decided to change it to make it not look so obvious. Unfortunately they already made their money since the ads rendered and they don't care about you or whether or not yo closed the window. They failed again, just like the company is going to do anyway. They just lost another customer (me) to Google. No more Yahoo home page or email address for, I'm done with their childish, idiotic antics.
Yahoo, have you ever wondered why Google and now Bing is blowing past you in the market? Because they don't do it right. Maybe you should visit their sites and learn a little.
Bite ME commented
I hate this STUPID "upgrade" you've done. If I wanted to go somewhere else for the "news" I wouldn't be on Yahoo! in the first place. STOP it. -
xxx yyy commented
Terrible! Was seriously thinking of leaving Yahoo. Dump it soon or I dump you soon.
Will commented
Agreed!!!! I am ready to change my homepage, leave Yahoo and go to Bing or something else. There at least I only have to click once
Fred commented
Ditto here. Whoever made this change has a special place in **** waiting. You are about to lose a very long-time user over this.
Ed commented
This BS is nothing more than attempting to create more clicks so they can up the price they are selling Yahoo for. The idiots who are doing this are creating more problems then they are solving, unless they are WANTING us to go to another source, such as MSN, to get our news. MSN, BTW, is a place where you only click ONCE to read an article, not TWICE like the idiots here make you do......
Anonymous commented
It having me to keep on in entry my name and password ever time and I no it rite but true someone keeps chance it like I can't see what thaydo
Anonymous commented
Quit having me click "read more." I clicked on the **** link because I want to read it. What's your problem? Are you doing this to give click through ad revenue to yourself or other web sites? Is that worth losing loyal Yahoo news readers? The IDIOT who thought this was a good idea, or that it would ultimately be accepted by the user community, is wrong. That person, again, is an IDIOT. Word to the wise: Yahoo is not the only place to get news. I alone will no doubt cause you no concern if I switch, but I guarantee you others feel the same. STOP formatting your articles this way.
Anonymous commented
please stop this! I'm tired of having to click read more and close a tab for every story I want to read.If I click on a story, it means that I want to read it not waste time jumping through hoops to get to the story.
Anonymous commented
Absolutely agree!!! Tired of clicking a story and then having to click "Read More" to see what I wanted to see in the first place. Knock it off already Yahoo!
Anonymous commented
Ahh! Another irritated Yahoo reader, just like me. I, too, don't like having to click through a web page to get to the article I want to read. YAHOO! WAKE UP! THIS STINKS!
private commented
i see i'm not the only one that hates this. even worse is when you can't open one of those annoying pages in another tab. why do you keep trying to find ways to break the yahoo homepage?!!! just leave it alone already! get rid of all those "click bait and switch" links that never have the news you clicked for too while you're at it.
Sheard commented
I am sick of this BS of having to click and click again to read an article. Plus it gets worse when the link you click into wants you to log into their site. Yahoo stop this BS or start to see those who advertise on your site get boycott post on FB!