Quit having me click twice or more!
When I click an article to read, I don't want to have to click another link to 'read more'. Why do you think I clicked the link in the first place, to hopefully have to click more links? I immediately leave the page and never look back. Same with a full page ad, I just close the browser window and move on. If you want readers to stay on your site maybe you could make it easier without the annoyance of redundant clicking.
k k commented
Please give us a choice to read ALL stories on one page, not having to click on "Next" every time we try to read something. Lately I've been skipping interesting stories because of this. It's too frustrating to have to go tthrough this every day. Thank you for your time
Dennis E Breault commented
Put all items on one or two pages, so you can pick what you want to view.
Kathy Zajonczkoski commented
stop making us have to watch 20 pages of slideshows to read about something interesting.
Doug Mayo commented
fix the problem or I'll go else where to read my news
Doug Mayo commented
If you are not going to change any thing , It's time for me to change web page.
Shannon T Patterson commented
Nothing worse than clicking on an interesting story only to be taken to a page that makes you read through a few sentences on a slide with a hundred ads and then they repeat the same sentences in different wordage so you have to click a hundred slides to read a story that was only about two paragraphs in length. This is a tactic to get them higher click tally's.
Michael Reese commented
"Read more" button is broken! Article doesn't expand when you click on it.
Glen Gummess commented
This isn't about the fair warning you gave us regarding the switch to a new format ("Currently). It's about the new format itself! WHAT did you guys do? The stories that are listed-- half of them are just CLICK BAIT! Click on the story and you don't get the story, you get a teaser and then NEXT, NEXT, NEXT, NEXT... and one wrong click opens up a can of spam. YOU DID NOT SERVE YOUR NEWS CONSCIOUS AUDIENCE WELL WITH THIS CHANGE! You polluted the news.
[Deleted User] commented
Make ads just a long page so people will continue reading. I immediately click off of "Next" ads and avoid now avoid them because they are so annoying and long. I'm sure others are doing the same thing. You are destroying "ads" because more and more people will avoid them.
Anonymous commented
Give the entire story with any pictures, etc., and quit requiring theb multi-NEXTs that are endemic to your stories.
Anonymous commented
No more next, next,next just for you to put on more ads!!!
Stupid thing to do just for money. -
Christopher B. Clark commented
I regret clicking most "news" articles because they are either going to lead to:
-an annoyingly loud music montage, or
-half an article that requires you to click to yet another website to finally get to read the article, or
-a stupid slide show that never gets to why you clicked, or
-just an advertisement, not news in anyway, or
-a news article that doesn't actually contain any news.The news page is full of sports and celebrity articles, both of which I never read or have interest in... yet they fill the page these days with them.
If you do click to read an article, once finished you are taken back to the top of the news feed and have to scroll all the way through the articles you passed or have read to find your place.
Y!News is more annoying than interesting.
Anonymous commented
Lori Nycek commented
send me to entire article originally.
[Deleted User] commented
I use to LOVE the old format of Yahoo news. You changed it up and I left. I came back recently to try it again but just CANNOT STAND clicking on 40 NEXT tabs to continue a story. NOT everyone lives in a big city with super fast high speed internet. We don't WANT TO. I'm willing to have slower speeds. I can still read news articles when they are actually presented LIKE REAL NEWS ARTICLES and not this dumbed down stupid version of click next for the next 4 sentences b.s. So guess what? I'm leaving Yahoo news again. I'll have to go searching for a new site to be my home page because it will NOT be yahoo news anymore. When you GROW UP AND JOIN THE REAL NEWS WORLD, holler back at me. I'll give you one more try then....
DIL;LON MAYES commented
My idea would be for the "news" feed. It is fairly annoying that about every third "story" is "sponsored". To me that is spam. It is annoying enough that I have to watch a thirty second commercial for every story I happen to click on, but I realize you are trying to make some money..
Jim Smitley commented
You are so right.. I get mad trying to read something I am really interested in and having to go thru 20 pages. Its nuts!
Kathy Welch commented
It's sooooooooooooo annoying when you make us flip through 5 pages on a story just to find out what the subject of the title is all about. PLEASE - just put up the whole **** article so we can read it. You waste our precious time with that BS. I've stopped reading any of the articles you post in that format.
Anonymous commented
omg like Yahoo gives a **** about what we think.
first last commented
Click bait has flushed Yahoo for me. It's beyond reasonable. I'm one less customer Yahoo needs to worry about.