I've marked "See less from "enter news source here" and yet the keep REPEATEDLY showing up in my news feed. Specifically HUFFPOST. Why?!
I've marked "See less from "enter news source here" and yet the keep REPEATEDLY showing up in my news feed. Specifically HUFFPOST. Why?!
Our Engineering team is looking into this. If you could let us know what about the “show less” option isn’t working we would appreciate it. Please provide specific publishers if possible.
Homepage Support
John Greiman commented
Not working, please fix this bug.
Anonymous-lee commented
Same here, I'm so sick of trashy TheBlast, Cosmo and seeing all of the sexualized stories. I keep selected "show less" but they still pop up. I'm done with Yahoo, it's been a long time coming. Your stories are written by a hair-flipping, eye rolling, gum chewing 12 year old.
N a commented
Be honest - You don't even have an engineering team do you?
N a commented
Every fifth "news" story is some garbage propaganda from THE NATIONAL INTEREST. Clicking "show less" does absolutely nothing.
shawn commented
Dec. 28, 2019... 6 months later. I clicked show less of: The National Interest and still got 20 stories today... Business Insider and still got 17 stories today... National Review and still got 10 stories today. There you go... again. I've told you this before but you keep asking. Not going to tell you again. If they can't fix it... fire them.
John Martin commented
Fix the Show Less functionality so that it works. I seem to get MORE stories rather than less from various news sources - ex. Goal.com.
Anonymous commented
Show less of ____ doesn't work. When I click show less of ____ I don' want to see any!!!! Due to this obvious disregard of my wishes I'm now viewing less and less of Yahoo news, something I can control :)
shawn commented
Why should we tell you... again? Just read the F'n posts Einstein. It doesn't matter... Get it?
Andrew Bisher commented
Looks like Yahoo ignores input from subscribers, and "our engineering teem is looking into it" is an extremely lame response. It's obvious that Yahoo has a political bias, and as such should give subscribers the option to ignore the bias.
Anonymous commented
When I say stop showing me news from ____ , stop showing me news by them.
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issue with National Interest and National Review. It feels like I'm seeing MORE from them since I chose the "see less" option.
shawn commented
June 21, 2019... and you still can't fix it can you? Doesn't surprise me though... you censor people for using words that are used in the stories you link... you allow blatant copy and paste... and spamming. Whoever these engineers are... they fit the new Yahoo.
[Deleted User] commented
the ******* yahoo morons can't even read the complaint before asking for information already provided...
they should quit hiring 4th graders as employees... -
Honor the request not to display sources such as Yahoo Sports, and many more.
shawn commented
Seems by the comments... it doesn't matter who you flag... your problem is it doesn't work.
Juan Rodriguez commented
A long time ago I asked that FOX News not show up on my feed. Today while scrolling through my feed, I see a story by FOX news. I clicked to remove and I a message reading "Undo Not Interested In Fox Videos" WTF. Why do you do this Yahoo. WHY. WHY Fing WHY?
Robert Jackson commented
I've checked Esquire, Entertainment Tonight, Yahoo News UK, Cosmo, The Wrap, Good Housekeeping, The Independent, The Blast among others. If "Show Less" doesn't work, remove it and disclose to your users that Yahoo doesn't care what users don't want to see, Yahoo will decide for them. If you are paid to deliver sources even when users don't want to see them, you need to state that. Fix this or tell users that their choices will not be honored.
Anonymous commented
HuffPost, USA Today, The Independent, NBC, ABC, Esquire, Time, Reuters, Associated Press (AP), to name a few
Howard Hoyt commented
week after week after week 'SHOW LESS' selected for National Interest.
NEVER EVER CHANGES- SO WHY HAVE the option to show less ??? -
shawn commented
I click on the button to show less of "The National Interest"... and I still get 25 stories on the page. So, if I didn't click that button I would get how many stories from them... one thousand?