Give us a choice if we want to see News or not. I want to pick my news organization. Yahoo News is TERRIBLE
All news agencies are not the same. I don't want yahoo choosing my news source. Where's Fox, where is Fox Buisiness?

Mel Klue commented
In total agreement. Nearly all of the YAHOO News sources are far left advocates. This censorship of conservative sources prevents a well balanced discussion and promoting such propaganda only results in alienating a large percentage of your readers.
Mike Faulkinbury commented
After 50 years being a user of Yahoo email, finding out today I'm being censored by Yahoo sending my email views to friends, I am done with Yahoo today! I believe in my sovereign right by the United States "Constitutional Right" Freedom of Speech. I will get rid of my Yahoo email address tomorrow!
Soni Ortiz commented
Then don't read it.
Jeffrey T Phillips commented
Time to support a news outlet that isn't afraid to respect the rights of ALL HUMANS and stop recycling WOKE narratives. No worries. Hater's gonna hate so do your thing people. Your day will come.
Benjamin&Katie Baeten commented
Its time we just leave. why should we continue to use and support a structure (yahoo, etc.) that is intent on demolishing America. If no one listened..... they wouldn't even be a problem anymore. Quite honestly, I'm just not interested in buying the propaganda that they are selling me. Besides, the comment section in my opinion fuels the fire, but doesn't really change anyone's mind or the outcome. if you want change, just delete your yahoo account. for a substitute email and The Daily Wire for news (along with others). Goodbye Yahoo, Facebook etc. I wouldn't be surprised if THIS somehow was censored. It would be an honor.
Yahoo uservoice commented
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Mark Yetka commented
I totally agree....all I heard and seen from Yahoo news was how bad Trump was and what he was doing wrong. Where is the news about this busted *** old man who doesn't even realize he is president. Oh wait, is that what you Yahoo fools wanted because of who pays your bills. You guys are a bunch of one sided ******** who just follow the money. Since Trump is no longer president, what are you jackasses gonna report on? I know you won't report on Biden or his dipshit son. I guess I'll just sit around and wait for the 15 news updates you send daily about the "deadly" coronavirus even if 75% of your reports are directed by others.
Tammy A commented
yes I agree now without comments is has become just propaganda
kenton phillips commented
I'm amazed at the number of commenters here who think Yahoo is a true news source.
Chris Rasmussen commented
I can't speak to FOX Business, but as far as FOX News, as a longtime viewer, the level of inaccuracy and outright punditry became intolerable. What those on the right complain of as "liberal media bias" - such as merely acknowledging the accuracy of science - the rest of the world simply understands as fact. Please be honest: you aren't really concerned with picking your news organization, you're wanting to accept conspiracy theory and outright fantasy as fact. That may be entertaining your confirmation bias, but it certainly isn't news and mustn't be treated as such.
Verizon/Yahoo make their money threw clicks on their content , so now that the did away with comments I will not click on any of their articles and deprive them of a pay check . Anyone reading this should do the same .
Fredrick Harrison commented
Agree...use more diverse news is entirely one sided.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
CNN lies 24/7
Michael Gerber commented
I agree this is BS news forced down our throats
julius bruggeman commented
Fox is a political organization not a reporting the news organization. If you stay on their talking points you get laid off . Fox is a dis-service to America.
Verizon / yahoo is biased. And Democrats tell lies, they removed comments because they can't handle competition bunch of cry babys.
Don't click on any yahoo links from home page hit them in the pocket book
J T D commented
Yahoo Loves to censor conservative replies.
DIANA Investments commented
Agree! Must all be democrats at Yahoo! Never a bit if good news anywhere! That Corona Virus update that they stick in your email box is nothing bit a depressing scare tactic that people are sick of reading!