Why is yahoo continuing to reject ALL of my comments? All of them! What gives?

thomas benjes commented
why don't the readers here get any response from yahoo?
thomas benjes commented
failed to publish is yahoos answer to free speech
thomas benjes commented
failed to publish is yahoos answer to free speech
Monica Arambula commented
Fix the Comment link, please.
james vierling commented
First off, get rid of OpenWeb. They are anything but Open. Your site is ridiculous with the failed to publish ****. It works fine for awhile then all of the sudden I can't post for days.
Kathleen D Pearce commented
Fix your AI. It's on the fritz again and is rejecting comments with no reason and no apparent understanding of English. I get that you want to be careful, but when you have an article (as an example) about a mentally ill homeless person, and your bot rejects comments with "mentally ill homeless" in them, you might want to figure out how to fix things.
Phoenix Maximus commented
Clicking on the comment bubble does nothing now. Comment section disappears when clicking directly on the link at the bottom of any given article. This is on the desktop version of your site. On mobile, the comments notifications are still not taking the user directly to the comment specified, like it once did. Do you have a UX team? Why are they not fixing these bugs, it's been several weeks.
John Ries commented
I hope to enjoy your site.. for many more years!
John Ries commented
I was quite surprised to have a comment deleted when I expressed my fears about the up coming election. There was nothing in my comment that wasn't common knowledge or frequently repeated on the news?
Am I over surprised at this ? Perhaps.... because it has never occurred before. Thanks for listening..J.R. -
Don W L commented
Fix the issue Yahoo or just come out with how you really feel about some of us. We have followed the rules but wonder if you just don't like what we have to say...
The Luchetta Family LaRusso commented
Anomynous D commented
Be fair, not biased.
Chris Csendes commented
If a comment is rejected, the message I receive should include the original comment as well as an indication of what actually caused the rejection. I have had a number of comments rejected that were, in my opinion, completely benign.
How am I supposed to learn from my mistakes if I don't know what the problem was? Furthermore, if my comment was actually acceptable and was still rejected, how is the moderation system going to improve without actual feedback? -
Andrew Paradise commented
Yahoo and OpenWeb are anti-union. I posted on an article about the longshoreman strike, and all I said is that they are asking for a raise, because their last raise was pre-covid, and pre-hyperinflation. Unions only get 1 shot every contract to get a raise to make up for the shortfalls of the last contract and that needs to incorporate shortfalls of the next contract. My comment didn't last 3 seconds before it was rejected for "Community Standards." The same standards that aren't listed anywhere, and are made up on the spot. There's no recourse and no way to redress the system.
Jay Utter commented
Stop censoring comments that don't align with your leftist agenda