Why is yahoo continuing to reject ALL of my comments? All of them! What gives?
thomas benjes commented
failed to publish is a joke
thomas benjes commented
Michele DesPlaines commented
I tried to post a comment about buying a watermelon in Walmart for $4.99 while Publix charges three times that much and was rejected. Seriously? There is nothing sexual or racial, in my opinion about talking about eating a natural fruit, because watermelon is a FRUIT every single day. You need to change your algorithms. And get your head out of the gutter for goodness' sake.
David Draper commented
Stop black balling me. Even my praising comments are blocked
David Draper commented
Stop black balling me. Even me praising comment are blocked
james vierling commented
For two weeks my comments published. Now none of them do again. Yahoo sucks and so does the LGBT community that it protects. They are the harassers not me.
Jeremy Salter commented
end censorship!!!!!
Jeremy Salter commented
you censor any comments that goes against progressive liberal opinions. you allow commentors to post blatant lies and when confronted, even in a reasonable way, those comments are subject to higher censorship levels. you flag certain words because they might hurt or offend certain people. how can you flag words that are needed to convey a point or needed for actual discourse? either discontinue comments all together or allow all comments and let people make their own decisions. stop being the babysitters for the weak minded who get offended when someone else opinions go against their special way of thinking.
Joel Hardy commented
I have been permanently shut down from commenting because your liberal censors dont want the truth to get out to the American people. I am now on X and will begin telling people not to get their news on Yahoo and not to use your platform because you people are a bunch of communist censors who do not want the Amerian people to hear the truth. When you will not even allow the reposting of an article that tells the truth, and is from a respected news source, that tells me that you are biased hypocrits and are being supported and subsidized by the DNC. Bye Bye
Badonk Adonk commented
Stop censoring using AI. Stop censoring period. If you claim our comments fall short of the community guidelines, tell us within the explanation "what" falls short within the community guidelines, instead of us having to guess how to subvert your censorship AI.
Lois Anderson commented
People comment how their relatively innocuous comments on Yahoo are rejected, while others get by with outrageously disrespectful and nasty comments. I've observed that if comments seem to originate from a bot or a troll, especially comments consistent with views originating from a hostile country such as Iran or Russia, such comments automatically seem OK to Yahoo's censor algorithm.
Chris Jones commented
I don't understand why my comments that are not directed at individuals, do not have nasty language, and/or are not directly negative are consistently rejected. What I'd really like to know is how to connect with someone who can explain this to me. Sometimes my comments are pointed, barbed or maybe even "nasty" but do not get rejected. Please tell me what your AI looks for that causes rejections.
Don Decker commented
I recently used the same word, assassination in my comments that were in the article and Yahoo rejected my comment. Hypocrite much Yahoo?
Nightman000 commented
I keep getting blocked it say my post failed to publish it does it to me every time , i have logged out and back in and it still does it .???
and is there any way to add a auto spell. -
Michael L Valgos commented
You know I do not believe that these people understand that they are working for us and not the other way around You know there will be a time this garbage will all come to an end and we can get back to being a fair country instead of a bunch of woke idiots that are destroying the internet because they want to control you and what you say I guess they have not heard of the first amendment I guess i will have to take Yahoo to court I hope they still have some money I would hate to destroy them and not get paid for it
Michael L Valgos commented
I think that the people that are running this garbage will forever rejecting my posts because they don't like what I say It is nothing bad it is just my opinion and the no brains people that are liberal idiots cannot stand to hear the truth and their and so they consistently reject my posts and I am tired of this garbage and I guess I will have to get rid of yahoo and att So I can have a unbiased group that will not reject good information They need to get these liberal tasteless idiots out of here so we can all have our opinions I do believe that they bend toward the communist side of things So I think we need to send to China and Russia where they can be with the same idiotic way of thinking I have been with these people for 25 years and they treat me like **** No not anymore I am reporting it and explaining why they should be off the net and in the toilet with the rest of the **** so we can flush them
John McInnis commented
you claim to be fair when you day after day reject comments that violate no published rules with that obnoxious comment failed to publish bull
you are hypocrites that silence anyone you petty little children disagree with -
Brian KIng commented
Censoring is too strict.
Brian KIng commented
Too much censoring.
John McInnis commented
comments that do not violate any published rule should not be banished with the "failed to publish"
the short lived appeals seems to have gone away, most likely because the biased censor always lost and the post was published on examination by an honesty person