Why is yahoo continuing to reject ALL of my comments? All of them! What gives?
Donald Jones commented
Not only are your stories are lies, you allow trolls, bigots and people to harass you in comments. You support Lyin Biden so you are biased and dishonest
John Hazeltine commented
How about NOT censoring any comments? We are adults and can handle the truth without your input as to what justifies being removed. Do you know who else has censorship? China and Russia are you emulating them on purpose or do you just have commies working for you?
Troy Longbrake commented
Yahoo just isn't ever going to be a real news source more like a site for the woke dem progressive's to Snuggle with as long as they are part of the CENSORING delusion
Troy Longbrake commented
Twitter or yahoo dont know who one is worse Elon saved Twitter Yahoo is still a government owned and operated news site for the woke perverters I stopped reading news from these woke censors and am done again until yahoo stops censoring US
mike okelly commented
this is bull
mike okelly commented
stop blocking my comments,i cant even say good morning ..WTF
David Craig commented
David Craig commented
What is with you people I put real facts information on and you shut me down Why? What kind of flakes you have working their I will go to the next shareholders meeting and I will bring 50 people with me and we will be heard this is just nuts who the **** do you think you are this is america not russia!! STOP CENSORSHIP NOW!!!!!
David Craig commented
Stop censoring the free speech comments made by your content viewers. You might as well be stalinist russia.
Ross Cameron commented
Before posts are rejected out of hand, set up a human review.
Pedro Martinez commented
You censor moderate conservative comments that are benign while letting hateful hard left comments ride? Your organization is extremely biased and has lost most of its integrity with me and many others. From now on i will be getting my news elsewhere and I will recommend that everyone do the same. you are the problem not the solution.
Alberta Batchelor commented
Constantly the page won't load says exit or wait but won't go to the site of questions to respond back what are you scared of?
Drn commented
you censored term CINOs for Christians In Name Only but allow RINO???
Justin Novaro commented
Does anyone at Yahoo read these comments or just users?
Justin Novaro commented
1) I understand content monitoring but the system is too strict. I get "content warnings or flagged for approval, and cannot find any logical reason. Occasionally it might be referring to a policy as crazy. but often no reason whatsoever. 2) The function where I can see if people liked or replied to comments rarely brings you back to the discussion thread when clicked on. Hinders ability to debate and exchage ideas. 3) You carried content about the SCOTUS Clean Water act Case from "The Recount today. The article (tho did not technically lie) portrayed such an inaccurate reporting of the oral arguments that I don't see how it is not fake news. It resulted promoting division and actually making readers less informed. The title of the article is "Justice Jackson, on her first day in the Supreme Court, pushes back on a lawyer trying to gut the Clean Waters Act." Please take time to read the accurate reporting on the oral arguments on Scotus Blog and I think you will understand my point. If you do that you will at least see my comment is not based upon my personal political views.
Anonymous commented
Yahoo has decided that the word "corpulent" is offensive but "fat" is not, though the two words are synonyms. You rejected "too corpulent for comfort" but accepted "too fat to fit," and that's just pathetic. If your glossary is that limited, and you think your audience can't be bothered to look up three-syllable words, go back to having no comment section at all.
t c commented
Let anyone post comments no matter what. If people are offended then, so what? It is what it is. If you prevent comments from being posted then you are in a sense censoring the public domain. Shame on you.
KerrySue Cronin commented
I don't understand why I have my comments rejected for nothing that I can see wrong with them. No swears, no threats, no name calling. The things i do see posted are 1000's of times worse than anything I have ever written. What gives?fix
Dana Reagan commented
I think people should be able to post their viewpoints on stories of importance instead of feeling patronized by an organization which is making money off of them. I do not support threats or hate speech, but if you are going to post a news story, either let people speak, or drop comments altogether. I guess we can only comment on unimportant "safe" stories. What is the point in that?
Christopher Benker commented
Why won't you let people share their feelings regarding the STUPID, HYPOCRITICAL statements that Biden and his minions spout off?