Why is yahoo continuing to reject ALL of my comments? All of them! What gives?
james vierling commented
Once again same ****. Who is responsible? Do I need a lawyer to find out? The world would be a better place without California.
Boudreaux Du Monde commented
What is wrong in this comment? Any Supreme Court nominee by a US president should be voted on by the entire US Senate. One senator from one state should not be allowed to stop it. The president was elected by everybody. McConnell was only elected by the people in the state of Kentucky. The US Senate needs to change the rules.
Hugh Patterson commented
I have had a few comments rejected, never a successful appeal, yet I still have literally no idea how they violated the guidelines. I can't correct the issue if I don't know what it is.
Is it a specific word or phrase? I see wanton vitriol posted all the time, but mine routinely get bumped. It's very discouraging. -
Jane Dolan commented
Yahoo censors are VERY biased. I can't call criminals "bozos," but other people are allowed to call law enforcement officers very derogatory names? WRONG!
And by the way, your writers need to learn grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Copying and pasting tweets or texts is not writing. Dumbasses. -
james vierling commented
Once again, how the **** does this comment violate any supposed community standards?
"Marvel has a history of taking social issues past and present and hiding them in the comic books. If anything Hollywood has lessened the story lines and their impact on thought.
Remember, Marvel almost got put out of business by the government because they wouldn't play the propaganda part. They gave in, but masked the fight in the stories."
More reason to hate computer nerds and the garbage that they sell out to.
neil carter commented
Glad to see I'm not the only this is affecting.
Butch Ugly commented
cease deleting/canceling those who disagree with your "articles". on the AOC/Supreme Court i was "canceled 4 times" before i then made a "comment" with JUST ONE WORD: "translation", and yep, was cancelled... then tried again, one word only; AOC, and yep, was cancelled. "fair and balanced" apparently does NOT EXTEND TO YAHOO.
Rocketscientists commented
If you’re going to have a “View Comments” button, make sure it actually leads to the comments section. If you don’t want to allow comments on an article, don’t have the button.
james vierling commented
It gets fixed and I post two comments then right back to every single comment failing to publish. I want heads to roll.Here is the last comment that failed to publish, "How about instead of spend all the money that a department is budgeted or the budget will get cut next year, we turn it into any money saved will be added to the next year's budget or put into an account for future emergencies?
How about make cost overruns the problem of those committing them instead of the tax payers."
Want to explain how that violates any community standards?
james vierling commented
Once again, I didn't even post anything for a day and suddenly every single comment fails to publish again. I want to know who is responsible for this bull. I will make sure that they do not do it to anyone ever again.
Bill Ferro commented
Someone on you team, usually late in the day, will not let me post comments that are totally innocuous. Here is the latest comment they won't let me post. "Hunter should by no means get anything more than a slap on the wrist. Buying a gun under the circumstances that he did never brings charges unless the gun is used in a crime. Those who pay past debt and interest to the IRS, again usually comes with no criminal charges.' What is wrong with that? I go under RUKidding.
Gray Kellom commented
I'm still not able to post comments. I've cleared my cache. I've Firefox's "Enhanced tracking protection" on Yahoo...NOTHING is working.
james vierling commented
Yet again my comments fail to publish for over 24 hours for no reason what so ever. There needs to be a Federal inquiry into Yahoo's AI and discrimination.
Me Hmm commented
Let me correct my statement.. Yahoo is NOT a balanced place to comment. Yahoo is just another place to get your emails and forget anything they try to get you to read!
Me Hmm commented
Publish my comments Yahoo!
David Gerzseny commented
My comments are being rejected for no real reason. Example;. I commented IOWA is a Republican State and it was rejected. Yahoo is ignoring our rights to FREEDOM OF SPEECH in our country.,,its that simple. 4 comments regarding Iowa's polls favoring Trump were rejected! This has been going on for some time now. I either have to agree with Yahoo or get rejected. This should be totally ILLEGAL and an infringement of my Constitutional Rights to Freedom of Speech.
Windy chicago commented
stop blocking people with their comments
Old Dude commented
How foolish I was in thinking that the problem was fixed, since I was able to post yesterday. Here were are one day later and I can't even post the word "test".
Iny Day-Truppi commented
Has your AI comment monitor changed? My empathetic and uplifting post about a CA woman who was killed by a bear. Why was it rejected? No bad language or politics. My sentences were not overly syntactical.
donald lashway commented
Too Bad !!!