I don't like the new news format that came in about a week ago (2/15/24)

John Paulson commented
Format not good for desktop users. Too many pictures. Too much empty space. The previous format was very good.
Rolf J Theurich commented
The more I look at the new Yahoo page, the more I miss my old Yahoo which I had designed the way I wanted it. Why, are so many customers dissatisfied with the new webpage, Why is it showed down our throat. Maybe it is time to look for a new provider.
JC Williams commented
i want my old yahoo back this one sucks.
Darrell L commented
No idea why Yahoo changed MyYahoo...need to have customization
Thomas taylor commented
Why in the world would Yahoo not allow its customers to customize their home page? This new version is simply put........Horrible!!! The left-leaning news is typical of Yahoo force-feeding their liberal ideologies. I agree with other dissatisfied customers of "Currently.yahoo.com" that if I am unable to customize my homepage, I will no longer us Yahoo.
Brian Diezel commented
Seriously, why mess up a good thing. All the things that interest ME were right there on one page, Stocks, Sports, Mail..and now...more meddling from the bored execs thinking they know what their end users want.
Michael Rosner commented
New Yahoo doesn't work for me. My Yahoo could be customized! Stop fixing stuff that's not broken. Redesign the page anyway you want leave the rest alone.
Thomas C Broach commented
Bring it Back !!!
Thomas C Broach commented
Bring it BACK !!!
Gary Wood commented
This new yahoo is pure JUNK. I'm sure that ATT doesn't give a ****. Having some relatives that worked for them in upper management I'm pretty confident they worship just one thing...$$$$$
clifford allen jr commented
Please restore MyYahoo back to my old homepage. Thank you.
Jason R Baron commented
Supposedly the new currently.com is customizable. How? There doesn't seem to be a way to do that? Was this a lie? I loved the my.yahoo.com page where I could customize the news I see, as well as other content. This page appears to be utterly useless as a custom home page.
Dennis Rosenthal commented
I agree 1000%. This version is an adomination! No thought to ease of use or customization.
Sam W Mathis commented
I want my old homepage back. This new configuration doesn't work for me.
John W. Renna commented
If my yahoo homepage isn't restored, I will no longer be using Yahoo.
Iabulka Chereshka commented
I want My Yahoo back! I want to be able to personalize my news feed and what I want to read. I don't need all the news that I am getting now!
Rolf J Theurich commented
I am disgusted with my present Yahoo. I want my customized Yahoo home page back with my list of investment stocks. I had everything organized the way I needed and wanted it.
It's disgusting to me the way I get treated by AT&T Yahoo. Rolf Th. -
Anti Socialist commented
With this totally EFFed up new my yahoo, how the EFF do I group news????
I would like to group politics by itself. National news by itself. Space and science by itself. And what happened to technology???? -
Anti Socialist commented
With this totally EFFed up new my yahoo, how the EFF do I group news????
I would like to group politics by itself. National news by itself. Space and science by itself. And what happened to technology???? -
Bill Beeman commented
Bring back the customizable my.yahoo home page. I used to be able to view all my pertinent interest on one page. Now I have to hunt all over to find my info. Now I am trying to find a home page that is comparable to the old my.yahoo.