I don't like the new news format that came in about a week ago (2/15/24)

Bob Huth commented
I have used MyYahoo since ~1999. I will no longer use Yahoo for anything (fantasy, portfolios, news, sports, email, etc.) in its new incarnation.
Stephen Shelton commented
The new layout sucks.
jim OLVERA commented
Please don't eliminate the my.yahoo.com. If you must please allow yahoo.com homepage to be customized. It doesn't have to be customized as much as my.yahoo.com but some customizing content like my sports teams would be great. Thanks.
Jonathan Weiss commented
Leave the legacy My Yahoo for those who still want it.
Ed Ebert commented
I use myyahoo because I can configure my news sources and not have "the algorithm" choose news articles for me. It appears that myyahoo is going away, and the "new" yahoo is not configurable in the same way. Is there a way for me to select news sources, other than by trying to train the algorithm by "liking" or not "liking" specific articles?
Renny Temple commented
You are screwing up offering a non-changeable Home page the viewer can't create. There are other Home pages offered from other sites, you know ...
chuck westlund commented
Doesn't look like I can personalize the new page or pick my own content. Instead, it appears that Yahoo is making those choices --- content, layout, etc -- for me. If that's the case, I have no interest in your new page. The reason I used Yahoo in the first place was because I could set up the page the way I want it to look.
Hadinger commented
New Yahoo doesn't work for me. My Yahoo could be customized to put what I want in consistent places (stocks, BBC News, mail previews, etc). I don't want random news/ads pushed to me. If this doesn't change I'll find another home page to use instead.
Jeff Segal commented
Please make the new Yahoo have a way to be able to pick the things that people want to see. I like MY Yahoo page that I have now. And looking at the New Yahoo page. There are things on it that I have NO INTEREST IN ORWANT TO SEE. And I'd like to be able to pick what I want to see and follow. And NOT have to see things that I have NO INTEREST IS SEEING. Just a suggestion.
keith cozine commented
Stick with the old format. the new one is just awful.
Stop with the liberal bias.
Stop utilizing Open Web.
Your viewers will be much happier.
You're welcome. -
Albert Sun commented
The new FINANCE page is NOT good. Don't understand why things always have to be tinkered with. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!! Thank you.
Tina Brown commented
Please let me control my news feed.
phukyahoo user commented
Every time you people make a format change to the site, you create a host of new bugs without ever fixing the old ones.
With the latest unwanted changes it is now a major hassle to change between accounts and when you have more than a couple of accounts the ones at the bottom get cut off so you can't access them. It is also near impossible to return to an article previously commented on as your links and notifications link to the article on a third party site(cnn, the hill, etc...) that we can't comment on or see our comments.
Put a little more effort into your features than you do all the damned ads. Do you even test this shxt before rolling it out?
Why can't we see the responses to our comments? Is this an intentional change or a flub in the system?
bruce devany commented
I want to be put back on the old format for news. "If it isn't broke--don't fix it"
Allen Rowe commented
Go back to the original page format. The new one just plain STINKS and is totally useless! If you do not, I will drop Yahoo altogether.
MH Fritz commented
I am in agreement with so many readers who state a dislike for the version of news layout you are submitting for us to use. I don't need or want you to select what "you may think" are my preferences in reading materials and format. I love the simplicity of the original news page and want to be able to continue to use it in the future. Don't mess with something that works just fine for millions of your users! At least give us the option to go to the older layout if we want to use it
Robin . commented
Since you changed the news feed I see far fewer stories, it's just the same stories over and over. And it's not stories I'm interested in. The old news page knew what I wanted to read.
Joe commented
The new format is garbage. Let's try a little balanced reporting and not just the liberal views that seem to be the only thing on the new format news. Git rid of the celebrity garbage too...I don't care what the opinion of any performing "artist" is.
tony granuzzo commented
please return to old stock market format