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2361 results found

  1. Scrolling Banner feature

    On the Katie Couric site The top banner hovers as you scroll, making it impossible to see the whole video at once. There's a big white bar cutting through the middle of the shot.

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  3. Make it possible to change a Thumb Up/Down after it's made!!!!!!!!!!!

    Make it possible to change a Thumb Up/Down after it's made!!!!!!!!!!! If an accidental click is made, or the comment is reread and mind changed, they should be alterable.

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  4. Could Yahoo try for just one day to not be so slanted to the Left? Please? Sheeesh....

    Could Yahoo try for just one day to not be so slanted to the Left? Please? Sheeesh....

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  5. Dear Abby is not news!!!

    Every day I click that I don't want dear abby in my news, yet every day I get another dear abby. STOP IT!!!!!!

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  6. Please take the focus out of the search field.

    I notice you now have the focus in your search box on every Yahoo news page. For those of us who use the arrow keys to scroll, this presents a momentary hassle/pause to click outside of the search box in order to keep scrolling. We know where search is if it's needed.

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  7. Get rid of op ed pieces

    I like to get the news, not partisan op ed BS. It's nice you filtered out The Blaze, but do the same for The Atlantic Wire and The Daily Beast. I want news, not opinions. To that end, I've already deleted the Yahoo! News app on my phone and actively looking for a full website that delivers the news.

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  8. If you don't address all these horrible changes in 10 days I will find a new browser. I do not want your liberal tash!!!!

    All out choices for news are liberal. I will soon be moving on if this is not changed

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  9. Tried to remove my comments hundreds of times. Can the x button actually work for a change/

    I have old comments that I would like to remove. Opinions change, more education, etc... I would like to remove some old comments and the remove comment field does not work.

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    Remove the Wartune add! I'M HERE FOR NEWS. NOT *****.

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  11. Please limit liberal propaganda to every article. Wait... Sorry, you're already doing that.

    In the forums, allow the 'reply' option to each commenter who chooses to 'reply'. Not just to the original comment. That's the way your sister liberal propaganda internet rag, 'The Huffington Post' does it.

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  12. Where did the Opinion section go?.

    Where did the opinion section go. I know the articles are mixed in with the other "news" stories but I prefer to focus on the different opinion articles which tend to have actual facts to back up their statements. Your average news story provides little or no objective or bias facts to state much of anything.

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    Every week a I come here and inconceivably it gets worse. Stop default opening links in new windows. Stop defaulting cursor location to the search bar. Do not do whatever idiotic thing you are thinking of doing next.

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  14. Move the News Videos to their OWN freakin' page! I know the stupid F'ing ads pay out the wazoo, but I'm on for the NEWS, not videos

    Put the videos on their own page, for those that want videos, then make it a preference that those folks can choose.

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  15. printable

    You should make a button that makes the article printable, the fact you don't have this makes me hate yahoo news.

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  16. How about a PRINT ARTICAL link so we can print out just the needed articals

    Have a PRINT ARTICAL link so we can easily print out the wanted article.

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  17. You can improve News by doing this with your title "YAHOO PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST NEWS."

    This will give everyone a good idea that this is a liberal socialist communist website. I am so done constantly seeing how biased this website is. Either from your own writers or from other so called news agencies. Don't get the wrong idea! I don't really believe there is a difference between the Republicans and Democrats just the illusion that you are so disgustingly promoting!

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  19. Please keep the "Local News" local.

    Please keep the "Local News" local. I live in Spokane which is 300 miles east of, over a mountain range from, and a world away of Seattle and don't need or want their headlines in my "local news"!

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