Scoring - New scoring categories and functionality
Requests for new scoring categories and general functionality.
Some of the most highly requested scoring categories are:
- Wins + Quality Starts
- Opponent OPS
- TB/9
- HR/9
- Net Wins
- Total Walks allowed + Total hits allowed

jake carey commented
I NEED Total Walks + Total hits allowed!
Caleb Newberg commented
W+QS would be incredible. Also, as another poster mentioned, (2*SV)+H would be great—having Holds and Saves in one category but weighting Saves twice as heavy. There are a lot of wacky categories like Balks, Pitch Count, Wild Pitches, etc. — why not bring in some new categories that better reflect the current landscape.
x ray commented
What's the point of this topic or feedback at all... If Yahoo. continues to ignore the overwhelming response to the Message. Board Removal across all fantasy sports?
I love how Yahoo ranks this the. #1 most popular or hot topic or whatever despite it only being an active thread less than 10 posts in 2023 (including mine) since last year!!!!
Yahoo, you owe your users better.
Just an FYI for any other Yahoo Fantasy Sports users.. Below is the primary link (I pasted I am posting a of somewhat similar version, but by no means identical nor off-topic.
So, if hasn't been seen but other users, it is imperative for everyone, if it hasn't been realized and/or known about already).
So as a courtesy to all fellow fantasy players, below are more thoughts
regarding all user feedback.The link(s) were provided directly by Yahoo (more than a month ago) which, as of today, March 5th, Yahoo has listed as only the 3rd most popular feedback topic with well over a thousand comments... All, virtually without exception: unfavorable responses that dwarf every other topic by far and possibly combined! Message Board Removal link (just in case any fellow uses finds themselves stumbling upon the newest current thread started by a less aware user that likely also are just. recently realizing this before creating a separate post... So it's probably best to pass along the primary thread to your league mates and re-post or voice one's feedback and sentiments on the below thread going forward.
So this topic or any other is of no consequence and not even remotely as important as Yahoo's message board removal decision (which there's still time to fix imo)Who cares about search filters when many leagues across all Yahoo Fantasy platforms actually might not even begin at all with the recent outcry and outrage over what is obviously a far more important topic to all fantasy users of Yahoo (who are already making a mass exit from. Yahoo for other sites and platforms)
I'll post a message I wrote on another redundant and/or outdated topic thread here for people unaware of this, and might not realize that their fantasy leagues may be in serious jeopardy of even happening in 2023.
Just an FYI for any other Yahoo Fantasy Sports users.. Below I'm including the primary link (I pasted elsewhere also as it's more and more appearing that Yahoo
and its topic admins are avoiding the elephant in the topics of discussion and user repliesSo just in case, to make my informed observation known and understood....
I'm re-posting my explanation for the benefit of all if it's stumbled upon here.
Hopefully it helps other fantasy users to prioritize their concerns and raises awareness for all, if this knowledge hasn't been already considered).
The following I have info to others regarding public feedback threads.
The link I post below was provided directly by Yahoo (more than just a little over a month ago in 2023)) which, as of today, March 5th, Yahoo has listed as only the 3rd most popular feedback topic with well over a thousand comments... All, virtually without exception: unfavorable responses that dwarf every other topic by far and possibly combined! Message Board Removal link (just in case any fellow uses finds themselves stumbling upon the newest current thread started by a less aware user that likely also are just. recently realizing this before creating a separate post... So it's probably best to pass along the primary thread to your league mates and re-post or voice one's feedback and sentiments on the below thread going forward. -
David Weddington commented
I would like to know why your numbers are different than Your ERS are different than their eras. You think you have a good pitcher. The MLB has him pitch a game with a 2.15 ERA and yahoo has him at 6.5 ERA. I lost a hame last year because of 1 catigory. I had a relief pitcher charged with a blown save but a relief win in the same game. The team won and he gave up no hits at all. Because of the blown save I lost that week. Half of the pitching in the league is like this. I would like to know how you chose a pitcher under these conditions. You all have a screwed up spread sheet or it is on purpose. I contacted you all and sent multiple screenshots on multiple occasions over the course of the year. You agents apparently are still learning math. One agent did not have a problem with a RP getting a win and a loss in the same game when he gave up no hits and the team won and the stats did not match If this is what you all going to continue to do my BIGGEST QUESTION IS, WHY EVEN PLAY? FIX THE PROBLEM.
Dave Poleck commented
Please just add a category for doubles + triples.
Triples don't happen enough to warrant their own category, and XBH incorporates HRs
joseph wambach commented
Can you add quality appearances to your scoring options?
joseph wambach commented
joseph wambach commented
When are you going to add quality appearances to the scoring choices?
Chuck Einstien commented
Please don't change any scoring this season. Many teams have already drafted based on the current structure. Any changes should be made before the drafts are open
Paulo Melo commented
Can the following categories be added in fantasy baseball (3rd year asking): hitter bb/k % and pitchers CG+SHO+QS total?
Daniel Sciarrillo commented
is yahoo actually going to implement anything here for 2023? ive tried to get W+QS for years now. smfh
Dude Man E commented
Troubles for sure
Stephen Mejias commented
We’d also like to see Quality Appearances as an optional category.
Jonathan Isaac Benzaquen commented
WAR stat would be great too
Jonathan Isaac Benzaquen commented
It would be great to introduce this stat for scoring
hardyworld . commented
"Troubles" (Triples + Doubles) has been a statistic that we have repeatedly ask Yahoo to add as an option for custom leagues.
joe hartnett commented
if a player takes a walk its a positive he should be rewarded for it
joe hartnett commented
change batting average to on base percentage it only makes sense
Matt Danko commented
Wins and quality starts combined as one category would be great.
Michael Chopey commented
Please consider adding HOLDS + SAVES as a pitching stats category in yahoo fantasy baseball in 2023.