Profiles - League Record Book requests and feedback
For requests and feedback regarding League Record Books and history.

Steve Aldrich commented
What happened to the old Record Book, which showed first-second-third place winners going back to the start of our league (2001?) I can't function as Commissioner and Chief Heckler without that!
Lost Gypsy commented
Roger Good-Ale FFL (ID# 771642) (formerly That's What She Said and Moms No Fun League)
Just discovered the Record Book and it's awesome!
As like others do you think you could add the historical data of league champions, winning and losing seasons, and playoff records.
Gary Sterling commented
Would like to see the League History of Past Champions, H2H records, playoff records..
any way to get this information?
Blood Guts Glory Da League (ID# 230307)
Anthony Rivera commented
Been playing for 10 years and would like to see my H2H record with my league mates. To learn who is my biggest rival and this would be a great way to add to the rival weeks you guys put. The matchups closes to 50-50 with the most matchups can add to the heated rivalry. Or ones that have the most playoff matchups
Logan Shepard commented
Manager records!
It would be great to be able to see everyone's records versus the other managers, keeping track of playoff/championship appearances, wins/losses, top 4 finishes, 1st place seed/regular season winner. Most last place finishes. Along with regular season accolades, etc...
I'd even take it in a export if it's for Yahoo and share it with the league. -
Jor Sh commented
Good stuff !! Like it!!
Eduardo Reynolds commented
It would be awesome to see this info when we click on "Compare Managers".
I just created an excel file to keep track of this for myself. -
Shawn McAlister commented
Im going to try to revive this thread again. This would be ideal for commissioners who keep their own stats. This would be ideal for me and im sure plenty others. At the very least, if you can have the ability to check individual player weeks from the player tab like you can whole seasons 2 years prior.
Logan Shepard commented
Lifetime stats and wins/losses for every manager vs manager matchup and total wins/losses altogether. This includes being able to toggle manager that left the league. Include regular season winners, playoff byes, made playoffs, missed playoffs and last place finishes. Most points for each year, and least.
Brady Conner commented
Ive been commissioning Fantasy football for my 5th year and i would like to have awards for all time records and last season records before this season starts. The tab says that they wont be open until the 9th of september. Is there any way to open that up before the season stats?
Jeff Geib commented
Crazy that you can't find historical champs anywhere.
Matteo Olivieri commented
I would REALLY Like this feature, same thing, all our teams have been on the same league for 9 years, we talk a lot of trash and being able to rub it in how many times I have won over X Team in our league history would be epic
Christian Doe commented
I play fantasy hockey and they have a tab next to standings, schedule, playoffs, labeled all time that tells you the history of the top finishers each year the league has been in existence. I wish fantasy football had that same tab.
Bailey Jones commented
ditto. i've been tracking this myself in a spreadsheet and it would be great if Yahoo automatically updated.
Daniel Massa III commented
I love my League, and the past few seasons have written a newsletter, where I would highlight achievements, playoff chances, entertaining editorials, and much more. I often refer to the League 'Records' Page for insight. I am disappointed in a few things: I cannot remove single entries, and I can only see the top record.
Example: in one year, a guy came in, set his lineup week two, and left. Obviously, as BYEs and injuries took place, his average weekly score, rushing and receiving tallies, everything, went down. This should be able to be edited and removed, as it does not reflect the League activity, and will forevermore be displayed as a record (in a bad way).
Example: I wish I could see individual records, for every team AND year. I wish I could report that "this was X Team's highest rushing total since Week 2 of 2105," or, "the whole league hasn't gotten this many kicks since Year Four / Week Four!" It's currently structured where I can see this year's current leader in many categories, and the sole leader from the life of the league. I wish I could go deeper than that. I also wish I could research top 5 instead of JUST the leader in every individual category.
For us number nerds. -
Josh Zimmerman commented
I would like to see historical head-to-head records against the guys in my fantasy league. We have been playing against pretty much the same guys for 5 years now, so i think it would be awesome for bragging rights. Say if you lost a week, you could still point out the fact that you hold the overall H2H matchup (playoffs included). Could be posted on your team page just like your overall managerial stats are now
Anonymous commented
Totally agree with this suggestion -- there's no reason to not be able to get detailed week by week scoring for prior years.
Pablo Jerez commented
The record book should be available all year not just until after the second week
Anonymous commented
Go to your fantasy profile page, the one with your trophies and medals.
Find the league from last year and click on it. The default first page is the playoff bracket from last year.
Anonymous commented
looking for prior year results in my fantasy football league