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268 results found

  1. Isn't it ironic that so many self serving messages are coming from the people I would

    imagine should be spreading a completely different message especially
    around this time of the year, It would lend itself to giving, sharing, and
    love but instead it has been used by religious leaders to ply the receivers with putting them on pedestals, where they are the message and not God. Power-mongering comes in all shapes and all different
    messingers.But there is always a message.

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  2. .reactions to stories.

    I post reactions to stories and they don't show up half. the time. Why is that? I can't even recall them by clicking on my Avatar. If I'm going to post a comment, I want it to be read. Fix this problem IMMEDIATELY!

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  3. It should be a wake up call ot people like Geraldo who they get involved with in the

    first place. Any one with a minimum of research knows people like Rush
    and Rush's stooges - Trump, get involved with anything that fires up
    supporters with less than sane ideas. Geraldo has had his ups and downs through his career but this goes to someone that through several mishaps, like Russia and who know what else(maybe fraud).
    This is about this country, Geraldo. This country that is embedded in thispandemic right now, we do not need any more fuzzy thinking from
    Trump, Rush, or their Kool-Aid Bricade. I am glad that Geraldo did some face time with Rush on…

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    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Stop posting things about harry and his wife. I am sick to my stomach about them Every day there are two or three articles I have news for you Millions of us just don't care about them Please give us all a break Stop posting things about them

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  5. 44th ranked

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  6. 99th ranked

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  7. I think it would be a good decision right now for the actor to shut up, why is he spouting

    off about any thing that he knows little about what is going on. That is all
    every body needs right now - another voice that pushed and shoves in a
    direction that he does nothing about. I finally figured out why you were in
    the news so much lately and it is because you wrote a book you are
    show casing right now - so many be do that and leave the politics to
    the people who have skewed it up already, they do not need help in that area;

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  8. Speak the Truth. You have twisted the words of one of the witnesses regarding voter ID should be required.

    Hi, Stop twisting the words of some people and state it truthfully. You have twisted the words of one of the witnesses that said that voter ID should be required because no one really has any idea of who a person is without that verification. She said as an example: some people look alike. To her Chinese people look alike, to others some other ethnicity groups look alike. This was not stated with any malice intended, but simply and observation of facts. When archaeologists and medical experts to research and make discoveries of their findings, it is noted that each…

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  9. I can't imagine why Jolie's fans praised her for joining her father in tearing down our

    new President. If her father wants to believe Trump's lies that is up to him, but to make a big splash about Biden and the Democrats tearing
    down America is a plain ugly lie. Trump has lied to the American people
    over 25,000 times and counting and what he has tried to do to the voting system - we will never forgive him for. He has taken millions of
    tax payers money for his own use and has cheated and lied. And your fans are happy for you and back you up on these accusations?? Thanks a lot.

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  10. 257th ranked

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  11. Please fire Lyndsay Parker or reprimand her - the article on replacing the National Anthem is offensive

    I find the article offensive. I find her suggestions offensive and I believe she should be replaced, fired, reprimanded.

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  12. I do not know anything about this Jennings who is a pick to replace Alex but I still will

    vote a thumbs down. Just not right at all. I haven't seen many that have been considered except the man who played in Roots. I am drawing a
    blank concerning his name right now but he had the right look and I
    remember his demeanor. He would have a thumbs up from me. Who
    else are they considering right now. It will be important because Alex
    will be a hard act to follow. He will be remembered forever, won't he?

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  13. Look out our websites

    VAPE MONKEY is all about providing you with a great vaping experience. We simply provide the best products available in the market along with the service every vapor needs!

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  14. When the virus first hit our country there was no one leading our country, no one knew

    What was going on but Gov. Cuomo became the leader of the country
    because we did not have medical experts yet or no one else. The Gov.
    other than Cuomo were still numb with no one to turn to. New York had
    been hit the hardest because no one thought to cut our country from
    flights coming into New York from China and Europe, no one had any
    testing equipment so the flights came in and the hospitals started filling up. Gov. Cuomo tried to talk with Trump about getting medical equipement and Trump gave him the finger because Cuomo…

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  15. Isn't it sad that this countries views and understandings are skewed and it makes it

    impossible to place laws on the books that would save lives. This goes
    hand and hand with the safety issues around the virus. Self serving people so wound up in themselves and their illusions they have no time to think of others so we refuse to get behind sensible gun policies. Here a child has an assault weapon and murders 2 people an wounds other and everybody is glad handing him.Where does that come from, the only hope that I have is this boy will have nightmares so he might not do something like this again because he has already…

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  16. 257th ranked

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  17. Article Editing

    Perhaps Kevin Polowy's article on Gov. Cuomo could have been edited before being published. Polowy writes about the "deaths of more than 6,400 nursery home residents." If NY had truly lost this much plant life, Cuomo most certainly would not be up for an Emmy.

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  18. Whatever Gov. Cuomo was awarded he deserved, he did a great job against all odds

    When Trump was playing his get back at someone who made me look
    bad game. He turned New York around better than nay other state and
    he had the worse influx.Trump was disgusting about medical equipment,
    when he had 7Billion worth of equpment in stockpile that Obama left
    there when he left office and Trump refused to sent any ventilators to
    New York and sent a truck load full to Florida when they did not have
    even on person infected yet. That is the person that was elected to be
    our president. The REVENGER, along with all his other failings.…

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  19. We are just starting to get rid of Trump monopolizing the internet now we have

    Matthew McConaughey for over a month all over the place, at least
    Trump was acting as president sort of, but McConaughey, why him and
    why now. Enough is enough. I would much rather see Biden or leave it

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  20. Atlas is there for only one reason, *** kissing. Trump knows he will agree with what

    ever he says and this is the only resume idea that is needed for Trump
    to hire them. Look at his group. The only people that disagree with Trump
    are stomped into the ground and horrible things are written about them.
    Check out what he has written about Dr. Fauci-horrible stuff. Trump has
    no filter or shame. I hope that some day the Trump voters will finally do some soul searching and realize how far flung they have been led.

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