Yahoo Entertainment
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267 results found
Why would you put the poll under the story with Kirsty Alley backing Trump? Why not Biden? Stop showing the agenda of the left and just entertain.
99th ranked -
Maybe you can understand the adult son of Trump but the daughter in law?
It explains why she has tied her tail to this dysfunctional family. She was
nasty just the the clan without any apologies making fun of a persons
disabilities and seemed quite proud of what she had to say. This is the
sign of being under the powers of the Head Bully. Walk around on egg
shells afraid of making a gaffe and being insulted by Daddy and trying so hard to say things that will gain some praise from Him for time to time. It would be a lot sadder if she wasn't an adult enabling someone
that could not…99th ranked -
Get a real journalist to write your headlines.
The Beatles' guru was not Buddhist. He was Hindu.
99th ranked -
Bring back the comments or we will have the FCC cut your internet access off !!!
Time to report your liberal minded Nazi tactics to the FCC as you do not own the Internet or the RF that propels it whether satellite, or wireless or cable. Twitter is now under investigation and TWC got hammered by me previously. If you do not like America or us real Americans who have served here rather than staying at home with your mommy, then get out. Meanwhile, time to cut your access to the internet if you are censoring us and cutting commewnts you losers do not understand thate represent main stream working class Americans and us vets. Money…
66th ranked -
Hi; I want to learn why did you cancel the Yahoo Games.It was a pleasure for us.Can you please turn it back.Thanks
Hi; I want to learn why did you cancel the Yahoo Games.It was a pleasure for us.Can you please turn it back.Thanks
23rd ranked -
Instead of Yahoo Comments, go to to freely join the conversation has an easy login, ability to like/dislike comments, follow commenters. Even easier, just go to settings and add to your list of start pages. Apparently, foxnews is not afraid of constructive feedback on stories, lively discussion, humorous snarky comments, and enlightening banter.
99th ranked -
No way to contact you or comment on articles?
Since the comments are disabled and there seems to be no way to contact Yahoo Entertainment anywhere, here's my feedback on the article titled "Taylor Schilling Has Quarantine Narcolepsy:" Narcolepsy is not a temporary condition, nor is it a coping mechanism that someone can choose. It is a serious, chronic neurological condition that affects 1 in 2,000 people worldwide. May I suggest not focusing your coverage in a way that perpetuates harmful misrepresentations of invisible disabilities/chronic illnesses? In all seriousness, please take down the article or edit the title. Thanks!
99th ranked -
Return comments, some stories Beg for a response................Van Halen passing, just one
Return comments, some stories Beg for a response................Van Halen passing, just one
99th ranked -
Is Kayleigh quarantining. definitely needs to.
Is Kayleigh quarantining. definitely needs to.
99th ranked -
99th ranked
please stop posting royal news, who cares about royals or dictators?
maybe some people do not have anything else to do, but most people do not care about monarchy or royal life; we are busy working to pay taxes to support lazy monarchs or dictators. Perhaps you are being paid a lot of money to show all those low lives who for generations have been stealing from the rest of society and who are desperate to continue living from the money of others without working; but yahoo should look at yourselves and see if the money you receive from showing them is worth lowering your values. Or at least provide a…
8th ranked -
Return comments, some stories Beg for a response
Wow, censorship in 2020, the "Donald" must be very proud of Yahoo.
99th ranked -
Writers can comment
Yahoo claims to offer a safe an engaging place for people to connect-although you do not allow users to comment (probably a good thing), YET you allow your writers to use inflammatory language such as "...Klacik verbally ****** punches... took a cheap shot at The View‘s Joy Behar today when she pulled out, apropos of nothing...
99th ranked -
What about showing a story where people who are chased by bears are caught and eaten for being in the bears home.
More animal interest stories. I am so tired of Trumps face that I try
to put off opening my computer until late afternoon.99th ranked -
I think it would be a good idea to stop showing the people who think that we are interested in them in bikini's. Is any one interested?
Stop publishing women who think we are interested in seeing their
50+ bodies in bikini's. I would appreciate more interesting items
to read, What about it Yahoo?99th ranked -
NOT a family friendly site
Siderail article link showing up for people magazine story re: "Biermann" posing for revealing photos, is gross. I'm no prude but I'd be ****** if my kid was here and saw that. An in-your-face ****** shot on Yahoo? Rly?? Get some standards. And be real, you wouldn't show that thumbnail if it was a dude's ****** outlined in a banana hammock... softcore breakfast **** was not on my schedule today, so thx for that yahoo. Nasty.
66th ranked -
Stop using video players that don't let you adjust the volume.
You have recently started using a player that has a volume mute/unmute control, but does not allow for changing the volume. This is a BIG issue. I run through many different things, not just your articles, including other apps running at the same time. I cannot adjust the system volume without losing other alerts, notifications, etc. ALSO, everything that has been played through this app comes in at a much louder volume than anything else on your website. Here is an article that uses this player:
66th ranked -
Why is Kelly Rippa or her family on every homepage!
More of a question than a suggestion.
14th ranked -
Why do you censor/delete comments agianst you?
Stop being communists with your censorship
2nd ranked -
Stop with the malware infected video ads.
You keep pushing video ads that are infected with malware as they cause the browser to lock up. You can't even close the browser until the ad is done running. When you take control over someone's browser that is called hacking and is a federal crime but you all don't seem to care as long as you get a few pennies from the advertisers. I just had two USAA ad's lock up my browser and I will be contacting USAA and make them aware that you are hijacking peoples browsers to force them to watch the ad. I will also…
14th ranked
- Don't see your idea?