Yahoo Homepage

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1073 results found
Yahoo removed stopping Publishers we don't want. My "NEWS" IS HALF ENTERTAINMENT GOSSIP! uhg!
We used to be able to pick the weight of publishers we want/don't want. And on top of that I scrolled down and half my so called "NEWS" is gossip form entertainment. I RARELY read entertainment "news" except for what shows are cancelled or not. I DON'T care who married who or who took a vacation and where.
75th ranked -
Remove large ad at the top of the new Yahoo! home page
Remove large ad at the top of the new Yahoo! home page. Ads in the page are okay. The top one will make me stop using this page. This was not there in the old format.
422nd ranked -
Here's an idea!!! Why not show the local weather forecast?
Here's an idea!! Why not show my local weather forecast on yahoo or my yahoo instead of Pottstown PA? I live about 2900 miles from Pottstown and I'm sure they have interesting weather, but I am more intersted in my local forecast. Why not have Yahoo show your local forecast instead of Pottstown PA? No matter how many times I correct the locations for weather, it always returns to Pottstown PA which is irrelevant.
422nd ranked -
Novel idea. how about entertaining both sides of an issue.
Your heavy-handed skew of all replies and news in general is laughable at best. dangerous and short sighted. Section heading Yahoo news should be changed to "yahoo opinions with zero logical support"
199th ranked -
I try to get some news here. And some interesting comments. Mostly, I get chick stuff about makeup. The algorithms are not working.
I am a dude. My idea is to use your algorithms to tailor content to me. I don't want, read or need the plethora of articles about which dry makeup brush to use, winter make up tips, gel shampoo conditioner and thickner to make my hair look fuller, bring out highlights that match my eyebrows, ear rings, and nail polish on a date Friday night with an ex who is a friend of a once famous model in Elbonia who now has packing trips for weekend getaways with the trainer at the gym who looks like the rock and is…
422nd ranked -
your new Sports Phone Icon looks like a birthday cake with candles! I liked the other one better! :)
Optional Sports Icon for the Phone
500th ranked -
I want to be able to block Fox News content on my homepage.
I want to be able to block right wing propaganda sites like Fox News from my new feed.
158th ranked -
Please stop sending me adds for dating sites. I am engaged.
Have a way I can tell you that I don't like or am not interested in ads you are putting up for me to see. I am tired of seeing dating sites. I am in a relationship and if she sees these (even though I ingore them) it doesn't help our relationshipl
284th ranked -
Please get rid of the feed from The Telegraph.
Please give us back the ability to remove certain 'news' sources from our feeds, or just get rid of The Telegraph. It's nothing but right-wing propaganda from a different country that insists on commenting on our politics.
94th ranked -
Portfolio Layout - Company Name unnecessarily wide (should compress automatically to fit). Any competent coder can show your people how.
Portfolio Layout - Company Name unnecessarily wide (should compress automatically to fit). Any competent coder can show your people how.
500th ranked -
This is Yahoo now? Days old stories and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling?? Hope it doesn't stay this way or there's no point.
I feel this new format is politically motivated and not at all appreciated. This may be my end to Yahoo.
183rd ranked -
closing article or hitting back on home page resets page to top
You recently changed the look and feel of your yahoo home page. One thing you failed to implement is the ability to bring the viewer back to the location of the page where they clicked for the article. When you click an article to read, and then either (x) out or hit back button it resets the page to the top which is very frustrating. You then have to scroll all the way down to look for the article.
Also the new look and feel is horrible.231st ranked -
how about making signin simpler, just went through a 5 minute process that was a circle jerk
I just went through 5 minutes of BS trying to sign in to my yahoo account .
whats with all the additional steps? Yahoo is becoming a pain, time for something else.262nd ranked -
i dont need my horoscope and the stock market shown on top of my page
format sucks and how do i remove horoscope and stock market from my page top..cant i customize my homepage any more>>>>>>
262nd ranked -
Yahoo! Mail has too many stupid steps
Yahoo decided unnecessary steps to opening and moving emails. Instead of just selecting a message, we now get a pop-up asking us to select before we can select the desired message. On top of THAT, another pop-up asks us if we want to delete messages. If I want to delete, then I'll DELETE. I don't need extra pop-ups asking if I want to delete. So ANNOYING. You all have too much time on your hands, adding unnecessary steps to this program.
598th ranked -
If it's my sign in name and correct password sign me in without your other ****!
I don't appreciate your additional requirements to sign in once I've entered correct sign in name and password!
369th ranked -
Here's an idea,...stop being a mouthpiece for evey corrupt progressive left-wing globalist group.
Stop providing every globalist enemy state with a venue to spread their propaganda. Stop censoring the conservatives in this country that acrually make up the majority of people, and are the only ones actually keeping this country going.
The absolute best thing Yahoo could do for the U.S. right now is cease to exist.255th ranked -
delete duplictes, why are same stories posted multiple times as you scroll
remove duplicate stories
199th ranked -
proof read
Headline I just read: "Airline praises pilots in crash landing where 38 fatalities was reported"
WAS? (...38 fatalities were reported)
If the writing isn't accurate, confirms the reporting will also be slipshod.598th ranked -
Too many refreshes
Page refreshes too frequently. I have to open each article I want to read in a new tab, or it may be gone due to refresh. Then when I go to the tab to read, that too refreshes to the home page. I am re-considering Yahoo as my home page after 20+ years.
598th ranked
- Don't see your idea?