Yahoo Homepage

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1043 results found
complaint about article on your landing page; inflammatory content targeting Asians
Dear Yahoo I am complaining about a Next Shark article on your landing page that appeared on June 13, 2022, titled "TikTok video of 2 Asian shoppers picking green pieces off of lettuce at grocery draws criticism." The article singles out people of Asian heritage for abuse & ridicule, and is racially inflammatory & insensitive. Please exercise more control over your content to screen out irresponsible articles like these. Thank you.
270th ranked -
Tabloid News nothing more...please stop focusing on negative stories for ratings.
Shootings everyday, war in ukraine based on lies, tRump, Kardashians and needing to see everyones abs, butt and **. Catering to rich/famous while they go shopping..Who cares!!....."Dont Look Up"...your feeding into the same stigma. All your stories just * people off.
226th ranked -
It is the year 2022, give us Dark Mode EVERYWHERE (Fantasy AND MAIL). Dark Theme on mail is a joke. ITS ALMOST 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Copy pasting the title, because why should I try when Yahoo Mail isn't even trying to leave the 90s.
It is the year 2022, give us Dark Mode EVERYWHERE (Fantasy AND MAIL). Dark Theme on mail is a joke. ITS ALMOST 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
336th ranked -
Censorship places your "news: somewhat less reliable than Pravda."
Allow a truly open forum. Follow your own published rules; apply to the marxo-communists rather than shutting down conservative voices only. Far to much name-calling and insulting behavior, including threats, for you to be considered fair, balanced, or reliable.
307th ranked -
Stop articles showing actors, athletes, others, displaying their wealthy mansions, vacations, cars, planes, yachts. It is sickening.
Show average working class people succeeding and living a happy life.
151st ranked -
So nice and refreshing not to see much about Trump today. I think me along with everyone is over him.
Nice and refreshing not to see any articles about Trump. So tired of him along with most other people.
336th ranked -
Yahoo needs to remain neutral with the comment section
What trump has said and done in the past is a matter of history and Yahoo should not be republican or democrat with the comments that people make. I have just as much of a right to post my comments as republicans do! But, my comments are being rejected because of repeating what trump said and did in the past and this is a matter of proven history with news articles that was posted by Yahoo News in the past! Trump did say that he likes to grab women by the P*^^Y so they can't get away! Trump also said…
284th ranked -
offer dark mode for yahoo home pages
offer dark mode
178th ranked -
Why do you keep showing a Kohls add despite my indication that its offensive?
It appears your Add feedback is like your whole generation. Full of BS.
500th ranked -
After being blocked by Yahoo Cops, I am not sending any more opinions of stories. I think Yahoo need to disable comment section again!
Disable comment section: Because I feel that Yahoo is suppressing my 1st Amendment to comment my opinions on stories
369th ranked -
You have sections on LGBT+, BOLD, SOMOS, Native and ElevAsian, you should have a section on disabilities
The Yahoo!+ page should have a section on disability issues.
598th ranked -
Sadly, it is about time
Believing in God, I am anti war. There comes a point where it is necessary due to extreme evil acts.
It is time for NATO to start discussing war with Russia. They are killing and torturing civilians, where does this crazy end?
I am not about bringing nuclear war to this world. As believers in Jesus, how can we stand by with the power to stop this?
It seems Hitler has returned in Putin, the devil has taken over and he cares not who he kills as long as he wins.
The killing of innocents can not be ignored, it…
284th ranked -
Stories for stupid yahoo...pushing garbage everyday.
Stop giving stories I delete
369th ranked -
Yahoo news is always incorrect. I can use an alias and make comments but want let me with my real account because yahoo is a democratic sigh
Yahoo news is always incorrect. I can use an alias and make comments but want let me with my real account because yahoo is a democratic sight. You cut me off from commenting the truth. Yahoo is one of the worst sights to be one sighted. We should be able to say what we want. In the USA there is freedom of speech. The only reason yahoo want let you speak freely is because they want the USA to become a communist. Yahoo news is nothing but lies. Trump 2024..... By the way it is time to sue yahoo.
422nd ranked -
Thank You so much for letting us have an opinion
It's so good to be able to state our opinion again.
284th ranked -
422nd ranked
The Hill====or Hillary's post
Isn't it funny that Yahoo allows "The Hill", whoever they are to spout **** and yet, Yahoo allows it but I call Yahoo on the carpet for bias and I am ridiculed!
369th ranked -
Put back Enter/Esc expanding/collapsing an image in image search (without having to use the mouse).
Put back Enter/Esc expanding/collapsing an image in image search (without having to use the mouse). It was very handy just to use the keyboard with arrow keys to browse the results.
500th ranked -
stop charging for customer support
Charging a subscription for customer support is ridiculous. I changed my cell phone number and got a new phone unfortunately due to yahoos log in procedures I couldn't log into my account any other way besides text verification. The only option left was to call a premium service number which basically force me to buy a subscription to unlock my account. To be honest if I didn't have some important things connected to my yahoo email address I would have told yahoo to go to ****! Bad form Yahoo bad form.....maybe you should offer a free option to speak to…
270th ranked -
I get not allowing comments on particularly divisive articles, but sports and such?
I gave you guys lots of time to bring back comments but you still stop them on stupid articles. If you're too sensitive to allow opinions on "horns down" and silly things, why do I bother coming to your site? I want news and exchange of ideas, not yahoo censored opinions. I can get that on Russian or Chinese news sites. I don't need you for that.
Meanwhile, I'm sure you've heard it before and don't care, so I'll just stop using your totalitarian site instead, like most people I know. Don't bother letting me know when you've changed your…
284th ranked
- Don't see your idea?