Yahoo Homepage

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1078 results found
Rachel Shewfelt being a liar
A 1st grader could've caught Rachel's lie. Anderson met Peters at ******* mansiin in 1990 after being in the city only a day! The description under picture of those 2 clearly reads 1989. Not to mention she was in ******* OCTOBER 1989. Being able to lie better than a 1st grader is journalism 101 for idiots and its clear Megan failed it
500th ranked -
Articles about Sex abuse/pedophile....
Yahoo.... for the love of God !
Please keep such articles in a separate section so people like me that are not interested cannot see them or their descriptive headlines.
I come to Yahoo to read news, sports and entertainment articles. I do not need to see such things....422nd ranked -
How about a day free from all things Kardashian?
One day Please! With no Kardashian stories or pics. We had enough of these useless narcissists years ago so its time to shut them off.
30th ranked -
Comments unfairly removed, others left. There should be a link to a moderator
One commenter responds to one comment by saying: "You must be accustomed to everybody laughing at you" Yahoo does not consider this comment offensive. The initial commenter responds" Not everybody, only the stupid ones" Yahoo removes this last response for violating the rules. There is not a link to a moderator with whom dargue this situation of bias.
270th ranked -
Yahoo weather shows conflicting forecasts - 53% chance of rain but the details shows 68%. My wife's computer for the same city shows 20% chance of rain, but her detail shows 79%. Which of those 4 numbers should I use??????
598th ranked - news has become nothing more than a run down of all the horrible things in the world. is depressing to come to, so much negativity. So little positivity or anything uplifting. Awful gets clicks I guess. Today's random sampling: child molestation, sex with corpses and teenage murderers. Bravo. Sad that Yahoo and its peers have the opportunity to influence perception and outlook yet they choose bad news and the ills of our world. Fail.
130th ranked -
I hate all the sports reporting. I try to delete the articles and remove the publications but they always come back. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have the tools to delete something you don't want to see, MAKE THEM WORK PROPERLY
284th ranked -
Thank You Yahoo for not making me pay for more storage!
On a positive note, I Have had Yahoo since 2004, and have never been told to pay, or I won't be able to send or receive anymore emails. Yahoo's Spam filter could use some improvements ,but I'm willing to take the good with the bad. Thank You again. Much appreciated.
500th ranked -
Why do you have an article every single day about female celebrities toned legs and abs? Every day, different article, different female same narrative. Why only women?
194th ranked -
Should be an easy way to report spelling errors
I suggest a simple form that includes URL and two additional fields. The first field would be for the incorrect phrase and the second would be for the correct phrase. Example -- "6 countries in Arizona" should be "6 counties in Arizona."
422nd ranked -
To Software engineers or web developers of yahoo: Please add a notification feature accessible on the main page near the profile icon where
To Software engineers or web developers of yahoo: Please add a notification feature accessible on the main page near the profile icon where users are reminded who responded to their comments and can click on those reminders and be redirected to where the comment is.
598th ranked -
make show less work
Third story in my feed from the utter waste of space Enews about Kartrashians-- I go to hit see less and its already done but its the third story down--WHAT THE PHUCK. your features suck and you little ******* probably read and do nothing AGAIN ******** YAHOO *******
270th ranked -
No comments & Fact checking articles
You allow no comments but some stories need to be fact checked for accuracy. Several of your articles pertaining to firearms and the ammunition they use and damage they do are wrong. They are misleading and as an Infantry veteran, EMT, and Police Officer/Investigator you are allowing people to be mislead.
262nd ranked -
Quit with the leftist communist agit-prop. I come here for e-mail, entertainment, and facts. If I want communist lies I'll visit CNN
Quit with the leftist communist agit-prop. I come here for e-mail, entertainment, and facts. If I want communist lies I'll visit CNN.
231st ranked -
Yahoo needs to police its comment section better
What is the point of reporting racist comments, harassment and false information if Yahoo will do nothing about it? Not only are the comments left alone, but Yahoo also won't ban the commenters, making the website worthless, since it just becomes a haven for racists. Fix this NOW!
284th ranked -
complaint about article on your landing page; inflammatory content targeting Asians
Dear Yahoo I am complaining about a Next Shark article on your landing page that appeared on June 13, 2022, titled "TikTok video of 2 Asian shoppers picking green pieces off of lettuce at grocery draws criticism." The article singles out people of Asian heritage for abuse & ridicule, and is racially inflammatory & insensitive. Please exercise more control over your content to screen out irresponsible articles like these. Thank you.
270th ranked -
Tabloid News nothing more...please stop focusing on negative stories for ratings.
Shootings everyday, war in ukraine based on lies, tRump, Kardashians and needing to see everyones abs, butt and **. Catering to rich/famous while they go shopping..Who cares!!....."Dont Look Up"...your feeding into the same stigma. All your stories just * people off.
226th ranked -
It is the year 2022, give us Dark Mode EVERYWHERE (Fantasy AND MAIL). Dark Theme on mail is a joke. ITS ALMOST 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Copy pasting the title, because why should I try when Yahoo Mail isn't even trying to leave the 90s.
It is the year 2022, give us Dark Mode EVERYWHERE (Fantasy AND MAIL). Dark Theme on mail is a joke. ITS ALMOST 2023!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
336th ranked -
Censorship places your "news: somewhat less reliable than Pravda."
Allow a truly open forum. Follow your own published rules; apply to the marxo-communists rather than shutting down conservative voices only. Far to much name-calling and insulting behavior, including threats, for you to be considered fair, balanced, or reliable.
307th ranked -
Stop articles showing actors, athletes, others, displaying their wealthy mansions, vacations, cars, planes, yachts. It is sickening.
Show average working class people succeeding and living a happy life.
151st ranked
- Don't see your idea?