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1043 results found

  1. Why are you sending my contacts to spam

    For the last 3 weeks I have had most of my work contacts sent to spam. Yet I get emails from non contacts (mostly politicians) that I don't want and should got to spam. What the **** Yahoo. Do I need to start using google to get my actual emails?

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  2. The moving, full-screen ads now popping up behind center-band content (as of 11/11/2021) are absolutely horrible.

    They make me nauseous!

    Most, if not all, of the content I get from Yahoo can be found elsewhere; on sites that don't make me feel like my lunch is about to reappear!

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  3. Why do I get the Spanish Yahoo page even though I am in the US and my preferences are set to US English

    I do use NordVPN but it is connected to a US hub (Charlotte, NC).

    i am receiving Spanish language news and homepage even though my preferences are US-English.

    If i temporarily disconnect from NordVPN, everything comes up in English with US news.

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  4. Stop the pop ups in what you call your sports section

    Not everyone wants your gambling pop ups every time you click on sports!!! This is annoying when you have scroll through your ****** sports section!!!

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  5. My Psychtrist Dr ann wong,Cant be trusted!

    She said,Not beacuse of September 11,Must go to physical therapy At scripps in Encintias not acting,She said hiroo has to,increase in dakpote,Mental hospital,group home,**** Mariposa clubhouse community meeting chair person,said everybody must get a peer support person! Must to come,Wednesday,Thursday miss detective conan case closed! Or hit and run!

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  6. Dump the Cheney BS

    Yahoo bias! When did Cheney become a valid spokesperson!? He shot somebody! If I had been on that "hunting" trip, **** would have been walking out of the forest with a limp! Just so I could tell him from the limp far away!

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  7. Problem signing into AT&T account

    I keep getting a message when I sign into my AT&T account that the info I entered is incorrect. I have changed my password several times, yet I keep getting the incorrect info message. What is happening?

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  8. EVERY article on your home page I've tried to read goes to a blank page.

    Every article I've tried to read on your home page this morning goes to a blank page. Kinda hard to read them that way. Good job! (/SARCASM)

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  9. Allow block of all content by name

    Need to block specific content by name (Jenner/Kard). Clicking “see fewer” does not work. I don’t want to have to stop using Yahoo.

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    598th ranked

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  11. wow..! how far right do you go?

    do you support trump? wow

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  12. wow..! how far right do you go?

    do you support trump? wow

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  13. Stop the Right Wing Facist advertising. If I see any more ads describing that we only speak English in the USA I will end my use of Yahoo.

    Stop the Right-Wing Fascist advertising. If I see any more ads describing that we only speak English in the USA I will end my use of Yahoo. If I wanted to see this type of trash, I would sign up for Newsmax or Fox. Clean it up.

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  14. Maybe quiet quitting isn't the problem... employers respecting their employees life balance is the problem

    Just watched an interview with the Mayor of Boston where they were complaining about the lack of teachers, but also one man was asking leading questions about coming down ******* quiet quitters and firing them. I have a BS Biochemistry, but I'm currently working as a waitress because the boundaries between work and personal life are healthier when one is an hourly employee. Career wise I'm moving in the direction of becoming a freelance technical writer because I can set my own price and hours and protect my life balance. I would love to be a teacher, but I'm a…

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  15. Yahoo account Recovery

    Hay Yahoo Team, ***** My yahoo account is very important for me by someone else hack I request with u issue with be solved I forgot my password i do not have backup code

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  16. Mugshots

    I find your use of mugshots disturbing. People are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. A mugshot takes away this right. Also, mugshots tend to be used more when the accused in poor and/or a minority. Please stop using mugshots on your feed.

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  17. Format

    Thank You for returning the old format.
    I like it much better than the other>

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  19. not staying signed in

    I have the stay signed in box checked but I seem to have to sign in every single time I open my browser which is getting really annoying. Also what the heck happened to yahoo in general? it looks awful.

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  20. How about bring back the Yahoo Shine Blog so authors can write again

    help unemployment and make sure articles are shown like this one of author page and allow to make money from ads. That was awesome cause it allowed freedom for opinions and helping writers get noticed and other stars or those they write about some PR instead of the annoying ones we always read about that are not an interest. some of us still owed money from past.

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