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886 results found


    Another day of having my feed flooded with unwanted and irrelevant articles from a news outlet in the UK?

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  2. New Yahoo layout looks like SPAM I can't look at this page

    Go back to the old format, it was clear to read and find stories. This looks like a Craigslist ad. Whoever approved this should be fired.

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  3. Empower users to choose what they see

    Give us categories of content to choose from rather than forcing content in our faces. If you are truly interested in feedback do not bury the option at the bottom of the page. The new site design is all the worst traits that digital media has become. What trends is influenced by what you spotlight. Too many people are influenced by what you spotlight. What you spotlight makes you seems like an arm of the far right and is what you profit from.

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  4. Remove Fraud advertising

    investigate fraud and scam advertising by Temu

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  5. 95th ranked

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  6. Please delete pride stuff from my feed and add retirement / Social Security tips. That is what I am interested in.

    Please delete pride stuff from my feed and add retirement / Social Security tips. That is what I am interested in.

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  7. I have repeatedly asked Yahoo to stop posting graphic headlines about the sexual abuse of kids

    I understand some people are interested to read about the subject but I don't want to see it in an article headline. I'm not here for that....

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  8. New Website

    Can you please anchor your web pages on the new site??

    Hint: An anchor tag, or anchor link, is a web page element that links to another location on the same page. They are typically used for long or text-heavy pages so that visitors can jump to a specific part of the page without having to scroll as much

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  9. I'm sick of Fox hate news

    choice to get rid of fox if not preferred.

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  10. Ban SheKnows articles

    SheKnows is now describing infants as "coquettes" and this is disgusting. Please stop including SheKnows articles on Yahoo homepage.

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  11. 736th ranked

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  12. Please quit being so one sided on political ads and stories. There are MANY Republicans that use your site as well.

    Try sharing positive comments, ads, and stories for both political parties. You are forgetting about the other 70 million voters in this country!

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  13. Repair your comment algorithm, it's not working correctly

    The comment censor algorithm is not functioning properly and needs human intervention. If I posted a comment that violated a community standard it would be nice to know what was wrong with the comment. I tried posting comments like Unbelievable and Great only to have them rejected within seconds. I file an appeal and it is rejected within seconds. This action is a sure indicator that everything is performed through a broken system. Furthermore, you have a suggestion to "FIX YOUR COMMENT CENSOR ALGORITHM" that is ranked 11th. There are 247 comments and you have been gathering feedback for 6…

    736th ranked

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  14. ****** new site

    why are you forcing this ****** new format on us?

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  15. If i click on a link in my mail about a reply to my comments here on Yahoo, please make my comment the top one when I link to the article.

    Make my comment the top one when i link to it from my mail or notifications. I am tired of having to search for my comment out of a thousand other replies.

    89th ranked

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  16. You make it really hard to share feedback!

    Why don't welcome and encourage feedback directly from your users, instead of dropping us into this byzantine matrix of competing and overlapping ideas and hope somebody on your end sees it? This is just plain weird. You wouldn't shoot yourselves in the foot so often if you just listened to what your most avid users are saying!

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  17. ******* YAHOO..STOP sending articles from "The Telegraph" to my feed.

    ******* YAHOO..STOP sending these **** articles from "The Telegraph" to my feed.

    218th ranked

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  18. posting

    I need to know why everytime i post it keeps saying try again

    736th ranked

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  19. What is up with all these hateful and racist comments on some of the postings comments. This is old. Clean it up Yahoo.

    You had no problem not allowing me to make a comment about Majorie Taylor Greene but some people were saying racits and nasty comments about a couple who took money from an elderly person and here you have a 14 year old who goes and shoot up a school and people are saying black people are more violent and someone posted a picture of Buckweet and said kneegers in the post. And you all allowed this to be posted. I am ashamed of Yahoo. Clean it up. No one has time for all the hate and racist ignorant comments against…

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  20. Marxist Scum

    Yahoo is run by Marxist scum who won't even allow me posting the difference between a Democracy and a Republic and the fact that, as per the U.S. Constitution, Section 4, Article 4, the U.S. is a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. You would rather let ignorance reign to protect the lies that you and your communist comrades perpetrate on the readers of your site. If I should wind up in ****, I know I will finally meet all of you because I know you'll be there too because you've already made your reservations.

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