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  2. Yahoo Engages In Fraud!!! You are scamming people. Stop!

    Yahoo keeps selling Ad space on its homepage to a company that claims they sell reconditioned Dewalt Power Tools. The site looks real. You send money via PayPal - but they never send products. It's a scam. They keep changing the URL: or as individual realize it's a scam. Yahoo is an accomplice.

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  5. A conservative site

    Employee people who see the world through a conservative lens, like fox did on cable news .I am getting rid of google for its far left everything and was coming back to Yahoo until I saw this: 134 negative Trump headlines and 6 positive.29 positive Biden headlines, 16 negative. Seems slanted one wat for anyone who wants to be called credible journalist. Until I see some change I guess no Google or Yahoo!

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  6. Yahoo is one of the most liberal, divisive, anti-Trump sites on the web! Just stop it!

    Yahoo! is one of the most anti-Trump sites on the web. It's pathetic and totally outrageous. I get that you may not like the guy, but for the past 4 years all your home page has consisted of are news stories filled with division, anger, attitude, disgust, contempt, gossip, and anti-Trump propaganda. WE GET IT! You don't like Trump! Good grief...move on! The ONLY reason I even still go to Yahoo! is b/c it's home to one of my oldest email addresses that I check. But if it weren't for that, I would have been gone LONG AGO and never…

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    I do not want my Yahoo page pushing ALL PRO BIDEN **** at me. It is so weird that social media is involved and biased about politics. STOP!

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  8. Most articles I see are from publishers I've marked to "show less from"

    I don't seem to be seeing ANY less from sources I've marked "show less from", and exactly what I NEVER want to see always seems to get through. Sports, reality show people, those that pose as "royalty", the children of celebrities, or the personal lives of tv hosts, are things I NEVER, EVER want to see articles about. I also think you, and they, KNOW full well that many of us don't want to see this stuff, but shove it in our faces anyway.

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  9. Why do I keep getting the same articles on my page after I list that I'm not interested in that publication. Everything is very left leaning

    I continue to get articles in my feed that I have requested to see less.This is frustrating. It's all from far left publications. Why can't you stop this from happening

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  10. Removing outdated info from yahoo search engine

    I would like to know how to remove outdated info from yahoo search engine.

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  11. still show's everything I flagged as "show less from" and thats all you guys show on your site!

    do your job, show less! or dont show anything. it was flagged for a reason.

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  12. Liberal Hacks. If I did not have so many accounts associated with my Yahoo account, it would be gone.

    Your biased, one-sided liberal agenda literally makes my blood boil!! I have had my Yahoo email account for many, many years, but you are REALLY making me rethink that. It would be a shame to lose so many customers because of your ignorance, but it is your decision. All of us "little people" are actually your bread and butter. Think about it.

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  13. Can you educate me why I "customize" my Yahoo by requesting to see less biased websites such as Huffington Post yet, that is all I see?

    I use your newsfeed customization and yet all I see is such biased and slanted progressive websites. I consider myself a centrist but I hate your webpage now because you have moved so far left that you have left me feeling like the most conservative person in the world. If you are going to allow me to have a voice on my newsfeed, then respect it and block that garbage from by feed.

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  14. add up all of the "suspending article comments"

    Add up all of the "suspending article coments" complaints and it would be number one. Where's the guy that always took one of my complaints and added to to another similar one! Told him not to do these complaints!!!!

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  15. Yahoo is no longer

    The Yahoo I joined and followed with my family has disappeared. It started at least 10 years ago when they ruined what was once the apex of comment sections (rivaling what is now Twitter with it's interaction of threads and followers) by limiting the ability to follow comments across articles. Now they've just removed them for blatantly political reasons. The writing was on the wall when they replaced all their reporters with bloggers and farmed out their "news" to the likes of vox and huffpo. Yahoo used to actually report - now they bloviate with self-important opinions. (as long as…

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  16. Yahoo should stay out of Politics

    I have been noticing that yahoo is leaning left on the comments and news. I just had to reset my email for the third time this week and the unlock code was txt "SKUMYWGC" and I don't think it is a coincidence. I am looking for another email service......good luck.

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  17. I guess the comments will return if biden wins

    What are you waiting on for the return of comments

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  18. Yahoo Page for you

    EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE & SOURCE I negated is only on my feed. Nothing else except that which I specifically dislike content from is on my feed. I hate Yahoo with a passion and its just getting worse.

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  19. By turning off the comments you are stopping people of stating the facts of your pages false writing. I have found many not biased on facts

    The writers you have are writing their ideas not facts. If you want to give them the right to write just beliefs with no facts then you need to turn on the comments. People have the right to know the facts not just what you want them to hear. Yahoo is one of the main causes for the corruption in America. If all you want to show is personal beliefs and not the true and full news then you are just a fake news outlet with no credibility. The people have a right to real news and the real facts…

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  20. Hi! In Romania the staff that serves yahoo is biased, they are PSD oriented

    Hi! In Romania the staff that serves yahoo is biased, they are PSD oriented

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