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6529 results found
Your goal is to disseminate propaganda without anybfeedback
This is a lie:
"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting"
Your goal is to quiet free speech. You goal is not to create an engaging place. People can no longer comment on your garbage. You are terrified of what people respond to your dung. You think we can't see through your curtain. We know exactly what is going on. You block comments because the majority disagree with everything your hack writers spew forth from their…
Oh no!! Were all gonna die if we dont take ten doses of the covid kill shot!!!
Oh my!!! Now the Lambda strain is upon us!!! Get as many shots as you can to fight it or die!!! Your article "Vaccine-resistant lambda variant is in the US" is just another scare piece aimed at the sheeple to scare them into submission. It is hilarious how we keep getting bombarded with this garbage day after day. What's next? Black death variant? Snake bite strain? Hyena-mongoose-cobra virus? When will it end? Oh, i know. When enough people die.
Oh no!! Were all gonna die if we dont take ten doses of the covid kill shot!!!
Oh my!!! Now the Lambda strain is upon us!!! Get as many shots as you can to fight it or die!!! Your article "Vaccine-resistant lambda variant is in the US" is just another scare piece aimed at the sheeple to scare them into submission. It is hilarious how we keep getting bombarded with this garbage day after day. What's next? Black death variant? Snake bite strain? Hyena-mongoose-cobra virus? When will it end? Oh, i know. When enough people die.
Covid vaccine is a bioweapon.
The article you posted on your garbage site "Republicans treated Covid like a bioweapon. Then it turned against them" is total dung!!
So many virologists have exposed this "vaccine" for what it really is (a death shot) and you continue to push Fraudci's narrative. Fauci the fraud should be in prison for this life and the next for all of the people he has deliberately killed. You also are guilty of killing thousands of people because of your complicancy with Fauci and Bill Gates and big pharma. The truth is out and you are all exposed. The vaccine is nothing…
There is no vaccine for the Delta variant
Your article:"The delta variant is more than twice as contagious as previous strains of the virus, CDC says, as health officials urge vaccinations" is another lie you push off on the sheeple. There is no vaccine for the Delta variant. There isn't even a test for it!!! You're pushing the vaccine off on the people who have lost the capacity to think. I know the truth. The truth is this. The so-called vaccine is really a delivery system for the hidden poisonous ingredient that is in every shot, initial, second and all boasters that will be coming out. This secret…
Be careful what you wish for
You article "Vaccine Mandates Aren’t Enough. Make Unvaccinated People Pay if They Harm Others." is a joke. How are you going to prove who caused harm to who? You have to provide proof that an individual unvaccinated person caused harm. But what about the vaccine manufacturers? How about holding the responsible for all of the people who are dying from their so-called "vaccine"? What about that? Oh, yeah, I forgot, they have immunity!!!! What a bunch of hypocrites!!!! Make the little man pay but the rich get away with mass murder!!!! Pigs, all of you!!! Even the vaccinated who think…
Latest Fraudci lie...
In one of your latest articles featuring doctor death, Fauci, he states:
""I don't think we're gonna see lockdowns. I think we have enough of the percentage of people in the country — not enough to crush the outbreak — but I believe enough to not allow us to get into the situation we were in last winter. But things are going to get worse,"
I am sure we can all rest assured that the exact opposite of what he said concerning lockdowns can be expected. Lockdowns are coming, mask mandates and maybe even vaccine mandates. He is a habitual…
Keep pushing the kill shot you traitors!!!
"FDA vows 'all hands on deck' effort to get Pfizer coronavirus vaccine full approval as quickly as possible"
FDA is in the pocket of big pharma. We all know it. They are going to eventually approve this "vaccine" knowing that it has not been adequately tested. They know eighty percent of lab mice died almost immediately from the shot and the other twenty percent within three days but they are still going to approve this shot which is killing and going to continue killing humans. The plan is kill as many people as possible. We are useless eaters to the…
Whatever Biden decides is gold for you A-frigging-holes at Yahoo.
Your article titled: "Motley Fool
Biden Administration Seems Open to a Lockdown, Which Could Make a Fourth Stimulus Check Necessary"Is right in line with the communist takeover agenda of America. Sure, why the heck not! Another stimulus check to keep people from going to work. Why not!!! Free money!!!! Yip the frig hee!!! Then on your financial page talk about inflation skyrocketing!!! Printing money out of thin air and expecting prices to remain the same is insanity!!! But that is what you are!!! A bunch of brainless fools (but you really know what you are doing) ruining America (by…
You're so predictable it's hilarious!.
Your article today, 30 July 2021 "Rep. Jim Jordan Polled People On ‘Trust’ And Received A Blunt Home Truth" is hilarious. You know, only the liberal sheeple, the one's who believe everything you spew from your editorial soap box, believe your garbage. You may not know it but even some of those who have drank your Kool aid are beginning to question your swill. The sheep ate slowly turning into wolves!!! When that happens in America they are coming for you!!!! No mercy on scum like you!!!
Your latest hit piece on Ted Cruz and Texas republicans is a joke.
Your garbage article on Ted Cruz and Texas republicans is a joke. You got it 180 degrees wrong when you stated "Their game is obvious. The Republican Party was, since the election, and still is, devoted to the desecration of our democracy."
It is the democrats who have desecrated our democracy and you know it. You are part of the agenda. You are playing your role in the downfall of America. You are guilty of treason and colluding with traitors. We see what is really going on. Biden is destroying America at all levels. Economic, military, education, racially, and biggest…
Your garbage article about Biden not wanting to fight with Fix is garbage
Your article about Biden needing Fox to push the vaccine is in part true. Biden needs all the help he can get to push that kill shot on America. As for Trump lying about the media being fake news. I have known this for years. You and most of the media are nothing but liars and propaganda tools for the leftist Marxist globalist who want to destroy America. You are part of the problem and will be dealt with when the time comes.
You're such f$-king liars
Florida tops the nation in new COVID cases. As they spike in its rural Big Bend, many still fear the vaccine more."Oh my goodness!!! We're all gonna die!!! Please, Ya-friggin-hoo, tell us what we must do!!! And while you're at it you dips, sit on it and rotate!!!! Every Yahoo employee should be tried for treason and hung!!!! So fuc#!ng sick of you!!! Really, you make me want to puke!!!
Why no mention of the color of the attackers? If they were white you would have rammed it down our throats!!
Why in your article "Group of NYC suspects seen beating 61-year-old woman with kitchen pot and stealing her walker" you make no mention that all of the attackers were black? Had they been white you would have certainly let us know from the start but since they were all black you say not one word about that fact. You are a racist pushing propaganda tool and I truly hope your site goes bankrupt. You are pushing racism on America and I am tired of it. I have no need for your manure site at all. Just come here to see…
Democraps are gold, republicans are $#@&!!
It's hilarious how every single story about republicans is just a cheap hit piece while every story about democrats make the look like they walk on water. Yahoo, you are the king of the muck!!! I only read your "articles" to get laughs. I take nothing you publish seriously. No hope for you. All of your writers are hacks!!! You are just one of the many garbage dumps on the internet. Glad I don't have a penny invested in you and never will.
You're the clown show Yahoo.
Your article "Business Insider
William Barr and Jared Kushner both referred to the Trump campaign's legal efforts to overturn the election as a 'clown show,' book says" is a joke.
Anyone with half a brain ( that excludes media and liberals) knows exactly what they meant when they said that. The clown show refers to how the Dems are the clowns but you turn it around like you normally do to fit your sick S atanic narrative. You are part of the clown show. I pray to God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that He destroys you and all… -
More BS
Funny how you keep pushing the Trump Russia BS narrative but totally ignore the Biden/China connection. Really not the funny. You are just part of the sino takeover of America and the world. You guys make me sick. Can't wait to see the day when you are destroyed. It won't be by humans hands but by God's. The God of the Bible to be exact. Your crimes against God and his creation will not go unpunished. The time will come when you and your master Sat@n will be judged and found lacking. You are on your way to the fires…
Your article about "antivaxxers" my body mt choice is pure propaganda
You keep putting out propaganda pieces to make the people who are concerned about taking an experimental vaccine look like they are idiots and fools. We are not. We are free thinkers many of whom are also Bible believing Christians. No one has the right to tell us to put something into our body that we don't want to take. There are serious questions surrounding these vaccines. They are experimental and the long term side effects have not even closely been determined. We do know how we that there are effects that are disturbing. People becoming magnetic, sick, developing kidney…
Your hatred of America is a disgrace
Your hatred of America is a total disgrace. Why don't you just go to China where your loyalty really lies? Trump has done more for Americans than any other president in the past sixty years. That is why you hate him. He is a true American Patriot which you are not. You are all traitors at yahoo who should be put in prison at the least. Rudy Giuliani is also a patriot. He was the mayor of NYC during 9-11 and was loved across my great nation (not yours because you hate America) for his efforts during that crisis. He…
Please stop the Covid warnings on our phones! If I cared what was coming out about it, it's all over the news!
I'm tired of getting an alert that sounds like a message only to see the BS the government is trying to feed me!
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