The new format sucks!!!!!! If I can't switch back I will find a new homepage.
Allow the customers to switch back. There is not one post here or on the net that says that someone likes the new format

Thank you for the feedback! We do have an option to revert back to the previous version. At the top of the page you should see a purple banner. Within that banner you would need to click on "Old Version" or you'll see an option saying return to For additional support please visit
skepticalthinker commented
A “new Yahoo” is not the same as a “new MyYahoo.” Bring back MyYahoo, which was fully customizable.
skepticalthinker commented
If Yahoo is truly “gathering feedback” here, they should make a note that any “new” version of MyYahoo should be as customizable as the “old” one, with bookmarks, email preview, and a choice of news sources, weather, etc.
skepticalthinker commented
MyYahoo was thoroughly customizable. Any “new” version should be as well.
Kley L Parkhurst commented
I've been a My Yahoo user since the beginning. Why would you delete it? Now I'm searching for a replacement and will get off all Yahoo services once complete.
Susan Brooks commented
Whose the idiot that thought this new design was a good idea?
Dwayne Dover commented
If I can no longer customize to my preferences then Yahoo is no longer any good to me. I want my stocks, weather, and news I want to see on the front page. Not what some program deems I want. Been a long ride but goodbye.
Tom Hand commented
the new main page is a terrible design requiring far more scrolling than should be expected. An awful waste of space that's going to drive me to a new portal.
When will Yahoo give us a reason why we can't get My Yahoo back? Please give us My Yahoo back, The new format is not for us!!!!
James Pinto commented
The new homepage is awful...Bring it back....If not, I will just switch my homepage to open Yahoo Mail. I am not going to be forced to have news articles I am not interested in on my homepage. Too many articles loaded with political bias.
Bruce Baker commented
Too much junk and many things that I had on My.Yahoo are gone, things I need were just wiped out. Why do you need to do away with something that works without all the junk ? Bring My Yahoo back.
shirley gruber commented
personalization made Yahoo's "My Yahoo" in the top ten for starter pages. now it is nowhere, it is a dud!
shirley gruber commented
Allow the new GENERIC web page to be personal... Oh yeah, we had that it was called "MY Yahoo" now it is one size fits all.... not... actually fits no one....
Jerry Nebergall commented
Hate the new layout. Bring back the old Yahoo. This change is going to have you lose a lot of your users including me if I can't go back.
Tracy Roman commented
You tried a new format, and it's an enormous failure. I gave it a try, but it is beyond awful. Please allow us to return to the old customizable homepage.
Calvinonymous commented
Just go back. Seems we all want our old format back.
Jerry Rimer commented
And what if Yahoo had kept the customizable page, but upgraded it stories & ads. All while keeping bookmarks that we all lost into the netherworld. You wrecked the experience with that one move.
David Shortt commented
If by some fiat I had to devise an evil plan to drive away MyYahoo users, I could not have been more "successful" than the plan Yahoo itself has implemented. For over 25 years I have enjoyed a customized homepage with my choice of news, stocks and weather, formatted the way I want, on the page where I want. No more. Now Yahoo wants to choose for me as if they know better. I am now using ProtoPage, and it works pretty well. After about 30 minutes of tinkering I have mostly reproduced my old MyYahoo page. Sorry Yahoo, this is goodbye.
Steve Briscoe commented
why do you send content I have no interest in , can't choose what I would consider interesting, and fill a page with useless content? I thought this was MY YAHOO
Scott Vackar commented
What happened to My Yahoo? I had the page set up just like I wanted it and now it is gone. All of my links and the pages I accessed thru the page I now have to go to thru other routes. BRING IT BACK!!
Ken Reynolds commented
Terrible, bring back old my yahoo.