The new format sucks!!!!!! If I can't switch back I will find a new homepage.
Allow the customers to switch back. There is not one post here or on the net that says that someone likes the new format

Thank you for the feedback! We do have an option to revert back to the previous version. At the top of the page you should see a purple banner. Within that banner you would need to click on "Old Version" or you'll see an option saying return to For additional support please visit
Anonymous commented
Can you make the news feed scroll again? I miss that. Oh, and yeah, I liked blocking content too. Please bring that back. PS I'm really not liking the new format either...
Anonymous commented
Go back to the last design for your homepage especially the horizontal scroll. Fix how the text for news stories doesn't fit the iPhone screen anymore (duh). If you were trying to drive people away from using your homepage and using Yahoo for news, congratulations, this new design has achieved your goals. This design is absolutely terrible. The people that designed it should go back and take webpage design 101. Pure and simple, it sucks and I will move on to using Google or Apple news until the design is fixed. Complete and utter FAIL!
Anonymous commented
I lost my arrows to view the stories on Yahoo home page. Where are they?. I can view them on my tablet, but I prefer my computer. Please help me, I enjoyed those 55 to 100 headlines.
Jeff Alton commented
You don't allow scrolling of the top news story's. And once I click on a link, you have to click on a another link to read the full story.
Holly commented
I have been with Yahoo since 2000 and love the way you did your news. Now it has changed and changed for the worse. I will be looking to go elsewhere for my search engine and news as this new format is horrible.
Anonymous commented
Your new home page SUCKS! Put it back the way it was.
Anonymous commented
Go back to the old page this one you have now is terrible!!!!
David Weichel commented
bring back the classic yahoo with the news carousel, the new home page is horrible.
Lisa W. commented
New Home Page design SUCKS!!! Deleting my cookies no longer gets rid of this horrible mess. Time to dump Yahoo!!!
Anonymous commented
Please return the scrolling news articles
Anonymous commented
Go back to the old format
Anonymous commented
Here we go once again, messing around with the Yahoo News page...... Put it back.. please.. the way it was. In this day and age.. everyone likes to have choices .... we dont want to be force fed... Put it back the way it was where we can scroll through the News Articles.... You have take our right of choice away... you will end up lossing a great deal of customers. Please STOP PLAYING WITH THE NEW PAGE... We liked it the way it was.
Lawrence Block commented
Worst format I have ever seen. Go back to the previous layout so I can scroll to find the stories of interest.
Anonymous commented
You've change the format for the News page. I am unable to scroll through the news items as before. Please change it back.
Anonymous commented
Please restore the old yahoo home page. the new one is terrible.
j hunt commented
Your new format SUCKS yahoo.
John Jung commented
Bring back the old-style Comments with Oldest, Newest, Most Replied and My Comments. The new Comments only show Top and Recent. The new Comments don't let me view my own, older, Comments.
Anonymous commented
Go back to format that allows news stories to be scrolled.
Robert Mullener commented
The main reason that Yahoo has been my homepage for years is the thumbnail news scroll at the top of the page. With the updated page only having four stories and getting rid of the scroll my interest in the homepage has dropped significantly. Bring back the scroll please.
Anonymous commented
What happened to news features? You use to be able to scroll thru the news articles from 1 thru there are news stories and no arrow to scroll thru and find an interesting story or news. If I can't scroll thru articles there is no use for yahoo anymore