I HATE that you forced me to change my inbox. Please return to my old format
dont force the change, I dont want it and it looks like others dont either

Mara Vasileiadou commented
I m sure u dont read any of the below messages. U also don't "listen", show no respect to anyone. Otherwise smth would have been done. Why u need more and more comments... bla bla bla..
Deborah Espersen commented
I TOTALLY agree!!!
d t commented
your stupid pop up switched me to yahoo pro now I cant get back to the mail that I had
Carol Taylor commented
I keep changing back to the basic version because I don't like email threads to be clumped together as it makes it too time consuming to find a specific email. Unfortunately it never stays on the basic version so I have to do it repeatedly
Michael Ames commented
Bring back CLASSIC VERSION of e-mail!! One time I log in and it's classic, the next it's new, then it's back to Classic. Why is it so hard to understand some people don't like the Google style of e-mail? At least Yahoo could have warned us so we could switch to somebody else.
Michael Ames commented
Why do you keep forcing us to leave the classic version? So much like the Trump administration in your autocratic ways. We've told you so many times we are happy with the classic version. I've use the new one before and it sucks. Did you get taken over by Google? Boo yahoo!
Robert Chapman commented
I agree. Let us post images with our signatures.
Patricia Martin commented
I don't want it, either! Some strange initial image now appears before my name and I don't like it!
Deborah Carrier commented
I hate what you did to my inbox. I purposely left messages with my airline info in it--now they're all gone. I got them back & starred them & they're gone again & when I do search, nothing!!!!!!! I'm about ready to get rid of yahoo.
Kiamesha Barton commented
I'm completely disgusted. My email font is awful and the letter are so tight that I can barely distinguish which letters are being typed. The il looks identical and appears blurry. All text is BOLD and I can't determine if an email is read or not? Please fix this! Anyone knows why this happened?
Bruce Buffer commented
Any danger of Yahoo getting back to what it once was before Oath took over and ruined it.Memo to the "wizz kids" at Oath - if something ain't broke, don't "fix" it. A lesson to be learned from Skype. Before Microsoft bought it, everyone I know was on Skype. M/soft ruined it. Now EVERYONE I know has dropped Skype. Same could happen with Yahoo. Also what's with the nonsense about that we can't comment on Yahoo fake news posts. Clearly Oath doesn't like criticism or being corrected.Free speech - yeah right, as long as you agree with lefty BS from Oath. Survey pfffttt.
David Fishel commented
What happened? I have a blank "Inbox" page for the first time ever.
Alan George commented
All of my emails are going to archive. Why?
Wolf commented
After using this new format still hate it poorly laid out and very user unfriendly. I guess IT needs to invent work by changing layouts. They need to actually use it before sending out to the rest of us. The trash button on the far side of the page is a baffling location.
Marta S commented
Bad design for the email. Add bar covers so much space on the side I can't even see the full email. Your designs are made for commercials and not users. I opened new email and if it doesn't improve to have proper visual on my inbox, it will be an easy move over to my new email.
Dolores Christopher commented
I can't even get my e-mail om my laptop or phone now. It's been 5 days and I don't have any e-mails and I usually average 100 a day. Fix this please. Dee Christopher
Eunice Park commented
really agree i hate too
drives me crazy -
Susan Powers commented
Because you geniuses changed over to a new version ALL MY EMAILS ARE GONE! You're real geniuses aren't you, NOT! Thanks for nothing. Oh and your Chat.... totally useless, but I'm sure you could care less about any of this, you're just going thru the motions of having feedback, making us think you care, when we know you could really care less. The comments below are proof of that. Oh and your backgrounds are really stupid because very little of it shows, so what's the point of them. So since there's nothing in my account anymore won't have to worry about checking it because the few emails in there are all advertisements.
pali bachi commented
new version is a very poor design. Bring back "Classic e mail for those who want it. Why did you delete most of my contact list. Sometimes "new" is not better!
JOE EAKEN commented
Why is my account to small to read I am 67 years old and can not read