I HATE that you forced me to change my inbox. Please return to my old format
dont force the change, I dont want it and it looks like others dont either

K. Sundara a Raman commented
First of all I don't know how to upgrade the mail. The newer version is not only difficult for me but adds cumbersome. I am asked to upgrade my yahoo mail or otherwise my incoming mails will be stopped. It is cruel. I may have to drop my yahoo account if you force me to switch over to the new version. It is sad that after being in yahoo for nearly 2 decades, I have to complain about it.
Spike Bates commented
I will not disable my ad-blocker so Yahoo! can make me watch ads. That's sort of the point in an ad-blocker... They're the main reason I installed an ad blocker in the frst place years ago. I will NOT PAY to access emails, either. As I already have a gmail and a LIVE I may delete my Yahoo! mail entirely. **** Yahoo! for doing this.
Maddie Norwood commented
Yep, I'm extremely unhappy about this. This has been the main email account I've used since I was like 5, but I'm officially done with Yahoo and switching to Gmail. I'm not removing my adblocker and basic mail is terrible.
Kathleen Kalina commented
I have tried and cannot move back to Basic Yahoo Mail. Every time I log back in I have to click to go back to Basic. It will not save! I will not turn off my AdBlocker AND I will not pay to stop having ads IN MY EMAIL BOX! I am strongly considering dumping Yahoo.
jon dalgarn commented
i do not like the new format at all
I want my Basic mail back. Yahoo is forcing us to use their product. I think I am going to move to GMAIL.
Linda V. commented
GIVE ME BACK MY OLD IN BOX... Hate this new lay out & detest change when I don't ask for it.
Harmonic Dissonance commented
People have been clamoring for Yahoo! Classic mail from the moment this new, terribly inferior version was forced upon us. First Yahoo! tried to do this in 2017 (I think that was the year anyway), but the public outcry was too much and it went away. I was relieved and thought the issue was settled. Why this version ever reared it's ugly head again is beyond me.
It's slower.
It's uglier.
It has no new features and many features were removed.
i could go on, but in short, IT HAS NO REASON TO EXIST!Also, like I posted in another thread, stop demanding that I turn off my AdBlocker! This pop-up started appearing (again) recently and I simply WON'T DO IT!
Sadly, ads these days are commonly infected with malware ("Malvertising"). I understand the need for companies to make money and that using ads is a common way for them to do so, but Yahoo! doesn't do a good enough job of filtering/vetting ads for safety. You can't expect people to endanger their devices simply to use an e-mail client and doing so shows an utter disregard for the people who are keeping your business afloat.
In fact, Yahoo! was the primary reason I started using an AdBlocker in the first place many years ago. I was constantly getting redirected to fake sites and getting warnings from my antivirus software while on my homepage.
Yahoo Classic Mail was a thousand times better IN EVERY REGARD than this version. Why any changes were made is beyond me.
Please, Yahoo! listen to your users! If this many people are STILL complaining about a change you made this long after you made it, then something is seriously wrong. You are going to destroy your business by forcing "updates" (which have fewer features and annoying/dangerous aspects) onto people who simply DO NOT WANT THEM. There have been HUNDREDS of these threads created on this Feedback page over the years but they keep getting deleted, which is completely ridiculous. If they were all still here, you'd have likely hundreds of thousands of comments all saying the same things:
1. Bring back Classic Mail!
2. No, I'm not going to turn off my AdBlocker! Stop demanding that I do so!
Or you can ignore us until we go away...to GMail or one of the million other e-mail providers out there.
At this point, the primary reason I'm still around is because my family has had their Yahoo! accounts for ~20 years and I'm still holding out hope that one day you'll listen to your loyal fanbase. And I AM a fan! I wouldn't have stuck by if I didn't greatly appreciate and enjoy your services over the years. The customizable home page, the (old) versions of Yahoo! mail, etc...
In the end, if it isn't broken, don't fix it!
Thank you. -
Tracy Bitonti commented
I totally agree, HATE the new format and just want to keep using the old!
I can't switch easily between my yahoo accounts anymore.
Deleting a message now takes me back to the inbox, rather than to the next message, so I have to open each one individually, which is a PITA.
I hate being constantly annoyed with the ad block message. I agree with the poster who said the money grab is a low blow.
Why do companies always have to screw up things people like? Give us the option to keep the old format, please.
Craig Inglis commented
Yahoo you suck!!! I DO NOT WANT ADDS
Craig Inglis commented
quit ******* with my e-mail
joe stastny commented
terrible new format
Eduardo Del rosario jr. commented
I hate to transfer to the Yahoo mail version. Please may I request to please return it to classic Yahoo mail version. Thanks.
Jeff Evans commented
Why did Yahoo bring the Wuhan Flu to web mail?
chris boyce commented
can we get the ad blocker to stop popping up everytime I open an email? I want to keep it the same as it was
[Deleted User] commented
I can't even make a simple correction unless I type the entire sentence over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If things are not broke why the **** do you break them?
Pamela A. McCarthy commented
I'm tired of the Ad Blocker "request" coming on every time I try to make a change in my viewing. Example changing from Newest e-mail to oldest, brings up the ad blocker, then I can't make the change that I want to. Is there a way to stop this from happening. If not, I am going to consider changing from Yahoo to another e-mail format.
After reading other comments, I see I am not alone in my frustration. I too have been using Yahoo mail for 20 years. I have stuck with them through all other changes, but this "money scheme" is a low blow, ESPECIALLY with many people doing without paychecks. Mark my words, you will be losing a loyal customer base if this continues.
Louise Jacobson commented
i agree with the comment above.reinstate the previous format.
Grant W Sullivan commented
On May 1st I complained about being forced back the to ****** Basic Email, unless I removed my Ad Blocker. Now I see that the word "******" as been Aterisk'd (*) out. Is "******" as in "C R A P P Y" really such as a Bad Word that it has to be Censored? I mean, I was being Nice!
Let's see if this one gets Censored, too. If so, we can add "Censorship" to Yahoo's shortsighted mismanagement of it's Customers.
Yahoo, since it is a Corporation, can Write Off it's Losses. People can't "write off" empty wallets. Yahoo!! -- Take your financial lumps like the rest of us!
By the way, I did disable the Ad Blocker. Now I am learning how to block the Ads one ad at a time. Most ads have "AdChoice" Opt-Out. Some, however, had No Opt-Out options, and those are the most-dangerous, because they are generally Fake News, and Phishing expeditions.
AND, I pushed my Uncensored Complaint to Facebook yesterday.
Al Brasseur commented
This new format is aweful. Change it back or I will have to use another service.