Yahoo Mail Mobile Web
Welcome to our Yahoo Mail feedback forum! This is a place for you to help shape the new Yahoo Mail experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Mail.
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3187 results found
Not receiving e-mai
Not receiving e-mail an not sending as well
Bring back the sort function
sort by sender date time or subject or even a combo of those
1.) bring back search by date 2.) bring back select all
Bring back search by date
Better Options
Provide options to permanently block excessive daily ads. I receive Guest Reservations ad every day. How can I report and block this site?
Yahoo First Dates VR (with AI host)
Yahoo First Dates VR (with AI host)
Stop needing to go back to basic.
Everytime I go to my mail I shouldn't have to redirect to go back to basic. One time should be enough.
Statistics missing.
NVDA does not have MRQ 10-31-24 posted.
Missing email
Today is December 19, 2024. I haven't received any new email since September, 13, 2024. This for my business email.
Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this issue. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
Deleting emails
How can I delete ALL my emails??
Impossibilità di configurare app email terze parti
Ho problemi con la configurazione del account con app di terze parti perché le immagini dove si deve dimostrare che non sei un robot sono troppo piccole per uno schermo del telefono e mi dice che sono troppi errori. C'è la possibilità di verificare in due passi, tramite il messaggio etc e voi mettete la gente in crisi con le cose del genere. Non mi meraviglia che sempre più gente abbandona yahoo.
Stop sending me fake people
Stop letting people email others I don't know them and keep asking if I remember them and I have no clue who they are they won't leave me alone wish you guys let people block others specifically when being harassed
No desktop view for mobile and tablet
Unable to view desktop mode on my biga55 phone screen and ipad. It keeps redirecting to mobile view despite many browser agents. Bring back desktop experience to mobile phone!
Email issues
It not a idea it a issue I open my email account a long time ago just updated it using a different user login name o can't put up my picture and when I try to respond to email or read them they don't allow I touched the chat now and it didn't go to the chat area I touched another link pertaining to employment it didn't go to the page now there someone who I been reporting for trying h to use my identity and access my emails address could this be fixed there are important email that aren't…
Amazing how when websites freeze, these garbage always keep going !
Block emails based on content.
Spammer companies subscribe me to a new sender every day or so. If I unsubscribe, it blocks the current sender - but there will be a new sender site the next day. If we could block based on a search text string I could block based on the spamming site name which is included but you can’t unsubscribe. Help!!!
Quit putting dating ads on my email
I am not receiving notifications for new mail received in inbox on my iPhone
I receive emails on refreshing mail, I do not receive notifications for mail received on my iPhone 14 plus.Pls help
Hi there! Sorry to hear about the issue. Please make sure that you have your notifications turned on within the Mail App. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
Not able to add Gmail id in mail box
I'm not able to adding my gmail in mailbox. It's showing everytime that it's already exists.
Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this issue. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
Why hasn’t disposable email addresses added to mobile website or app. It’s about time this is added.
Simply add the feature request. Shouldn’t be too difficult in 2024-2025.
I been trying to get my payout on the shares I sold but it looks like it's impossible with Google now yahoo I have everyone else collecting my payouts on my money when will Google or yahoo fix things right like tonight I sold some shares and now I am looking for my money but I see money taken off my account.
Hello there! We are sorry to hear about this issue. In order to look more into it, please feel free to check For further information, you can also reach us on Facebook (Yahoo Customer Care) or (@YahooCare).
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