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119 results found
Show more positive news about every day normal people just doing good things for their fellow people
Positive news.
93rd ranked -
Get rid of Pro-trump Propaganda!
Get rid of The Independent. It is owned by Russian oligarch. Also how can I stop Fox articles altogether? I hate propaganda.
121st ranked -
68th ranked
Stop auto playing videos
Auto play video make the page freeze and load slow. Sometimes shutting my browser completely.
43rd ranked -
21st ranked
I didnt know crossbow murders are such a positive subject
Why does the article on the news section have such a happy sounding song? I feel like its pretty insensitive to the victims of the double homicide to show a video explaining their murder with music that sounds so happy and inspirational. I would suggest you either remove the article or change the music in it.
248th ranked -
New headline for article
Elise Sole, a writer for Yahoo Lifestyle made a misleading headline for the opening of her article. She is wrong and spreading fake news on Yahoo’s webpage.
121st ranked -
Get rid of Michael Harriot
Describes Bird Box as a racist issue ???? The problem with this world today they twist things up to make it about racisim and then divide people ! I demand a apology and the article be removed
106th ranked -
Inaccurate news
Yahoo used to be a reliable source of news, along with email. That is no longer the case, I have read possibly five articles today that have been true, the rest is junk. Yahoo needs someone to proffered before posting to make sure this garbage isn’t being confused for actual news.
77th ranked -
Your new newsroom is terrible. You can’t look at your comments or respond to other comments. You are going to lose me. Totally biased
Terrible format. Can’t look at your comments. Prejudice and bias against anyone not a liberal. Soviet Union Pravda all over again
48th ranked -
Your news use to be good noe its the same articles every ten articles every day can your staff not come up with anything new ....
Pay me a daily rate I'll send in safety tips, adult entertainer stories about real people I'm writing a few books and their real stories about adult jobs
173rd ranked -
Less repeated old material and more time app
You are felling us with poor outdated material that is click bat. You fell to report all time related material such as hanging effigy of a person running for senator or why no reporting on the million plus refugees from South Sudan for the pass 4 years. Location should not dominate reporting or importance unless it is being used for political reasons. Which seems to be the reason no one talks of the suffering of those from South Sudan. Shame on all the media!
82nd ranked -
I see news on the womens world cup, there is news on the American cup played in Brazil but no news on the Gold Cup played in Chicago. Why?
291st ranked -
Highly offended by the trash tabloid style so called news...EXTREME BIAS political propaganda that's a disgrace to journalism...I want OUT!!
Tell me what it takes to completely deactivate my yahoomail account. It gets nothing but worse and it's filled with negative bullying every single day all day.
28th ranked -
Positive Press for Positve Achievement
It would do our country good if the media such as Yahoo for example informed the country of the positive achievements of the current administration. You only post negative coverage the way CNN and MSNBC does. You post articles of him that are intentionally misleading Americans. Please post objective and proven information for starters. Then update us on the thriving economy, more prepared military, how people like me get to keep more of what I earn for example.
101st ranked -
Report what’s important
I’m interested to know why there has be no reporting or articles posted to yahoo about the Jussie Smollet attack? This is huge news and I don’t understand why it would be avoided here. It’s very disappointing.
194th ranked -
Please stop showing the face of the shooter at newtown. He’s horrifying for someone who’s not a parent of a kid who was killed. So imagine.
Please stop showing the face of the shooter at newtown. He’s horrifying for someone who’s not a parent of a kid who was killed, so imagine the pain it must bring to one of them. You get no credit for being a complete *****. Those poor, poor kids, parents and staff.
194th ranked -
Any article on Trump has thousands more reviews than any other. They are clearly rigged with pro-Trump propoganda. I used to like reading reviews, now I can’t stand the ignorance.
194th ranked -
Rating media score
Give media stories a rating number that is placed next to the headline that is like a credit score and reflects the media companies past adherence to facts, opinion, bias, political affiliations and other factors. The reader will then at a glance of the score be Better able to determine how much faith to put into the contents of the story. The higher the score means it’s mostly facts and unbiased opinion.
248th ranked
- Don't see your idea?