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70 results found
Yahoo needs someone to proofread and edit for spelling, grammar, punctuation, continuity, and so much more. I read a couple hundred stories
Hire me! I have done newspaper editing, as well as being a published PosEd columnist for several years, and all these errors cost you credibility. I.e.., if your reporter writes 'udderly' instead of 'utterly', readers will stop at that moment. (This is an actual example).
320th ranked -
NPR owns yahoo
Blame NPR for the woke comments sections where you're limited to you thoughts, ideas, opinions, and sometimes the actual truth.
237th ranked -
Yahoo playing the almighty. I posted no derogatory phrases, no putting anyone down, no cursing, etc., yet they say it's against guidelines. Sad, you're worthless!
237th ranked -
Yahoo staff are a bunch of hypocrites. They run articles that are divisive, contain profanity, and hurtful. Yet when I post something be it the truth, divisive, has a profane word, or may hurt some peons feelings Im banned. F you yahoo hypocrites!
237th ranked -
Being censored for using zero profanity, derogatory comments, or "hurtfull" language. Well here you go blahoo...f you!
237th ranked -
Stop specifically telling us that someone is black when there’s a flipping picture of them and we can see they are black! Black man does this, black professor says this, black woman eats shoe….. we can see they are black and really, who gives a f? You don’t say, white man does this. You don’t say, asian man says this. Its only black. Do you think the public can’t see they are black? Duh…
320th ranked -
Do away with comments
Yahoo, do away with comments, since 99.9% of your articles block them and you're afraid to hurt someones (the minority) feelings!
372nd ranked -
My friend and doing gig work with crutches
You know I have a friend who does gig work and he has to do it when he doesn't have to do it but he's being forced to in a way and he does it with crutches and a boot on his right foot the guy had two surgeries in 2 years reconstructive on one foot still trying to get over it and cannot walk unless he has a boot on and that's even impossible cuz there's not supposed to be any weight-bearing on it but I saw him carry nine pizzas in one hand up three flight of stairs…
372nd ranked -
More philosophy and critical thinking articles
All this opinion pieces are draining. I’d rather see articles about ideas. AEON has very informative articles weekly
372nd ranked -
372nd ranked -
shadow banning, making sign in difficult
Yahoo has disabled me in the comments section , I have done nothing wrong and have been a yahoo user for nearly 20 years , I have always followed your guidelines in terms and conditions, I have seen nothing in there that has anything to do with political affiliations as your posts are mainly political in nature and allow comments , why wouldn’t you allow all political points of view ?
Another issue, I’ve had the same phone and number for years but I have to “ verify” every time when signing in. There were and are groups that suppress…141st ranked -
CDC guidelines for healthcare workers
CDC guidelines for healthcare workers doesn’t protect us, our families and the community. It states that even if we as healthcare workers get exposed to the virus, as long as we don’t show any symptoms we can continue working. We are helping spread the virus
272nd ranked -
Please please please please STOP posting headlines for articles with spoilers for tv shows and films!!! I can't tell you how many times yahoo news has comepletely ruined shows and films for me. It's terrible. Whether it's American Idol, Survivor, Game of Thrones, Avengers, etc. It's getting old, and you're not much of a news source if that's what you do. I'm about to block your site from my phone and laptop if it continues.
83rd ranked -
Your comment censore guy is out of control.
I can see taking out profanity and ****** slang but now it’s down to common words found in the dictionary. It getting to the point of ridiculous. No other website censors because of freedom of speech issues. Safer to suspend an account then to get a lawsuit bound for trial. Which will happen if you keep taking common words from the dic
13th ranked -
Too much Meghan markle!!!!!!
WAY too much of this person!
29th ranked -
Enough of this Jr high school gossip! Not news!
191st ranked -
This article appeared directly underneath the basketball story on the top of the page:
The 5 Best *** Positions That Give You Access to Your Partner’s Balls. What the heck is this, Yahoo?!News, Opinion pieces, Fantasy Sports...these are the things I come to you for! I leave my PC logged in all the time. I don’t want to police my kids on what used to be a “news” or current event landing site. Thanks for making sure MSN is my new default landing page!
130th ranked -
Please improve
You guys need to get rid of the blue bar on the top of all of your pages. You should take some risks, to. You had the chance to buy both google and facebook at a very cheep price. Get your reputation beter. Add a yahoo kids portal and get a young audiance. I am a kid and I am counting on you. I like yahoo and you should make a yahoo kids portal. Take the risk and make one while removing the blue bar at the top of every page that looks like it is from 2010
107th ranked -
Your Message Boards are a joke
The message boards on Yahoo are a joke. This is particularly true of the sports message boards and specifically the forums to discuss games (i.e. for example Detroit Tigers v KC Royals). One of your principle terms and conditions of service and posting guidelines is not to impersonate other users. Despite this, there are individuals that create fake accounts to do just that. They pose as the actual users and make, in some cases, EXTREMELY inappropriate posts. Your “report abuse” feature is the equivalent of lip service. In this regard, when you report abuse and explain why you are reporting…
237th ranked -
Time to get rid of the thumbs down
Like other websites the dislike or thumbs down button is being abused by it’s users. I know Yahoo has tried it once and bowed down from complaints by the same users who abuse it. To add to the problem you have Russian Trolls using it to try to persuade others in their way of thinking that this is how people really feel. It’s really turning into a mess.
272nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?