Please stop it with the Kardashian-Jenner crew - I do not want to see this daily on the homepage - It’s like a recurring nightmare
Just stop ...... yahoo is overkill with the Kardashian-Jenner ****. Stop shoveling the phony superficial b.s. I thumb past all of the articles referencing that klan. However the article about Kim Kardashian lobbying to get a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson - i actually stopped and read this one. They are just white space fillers .... I am sure you can find something else.
Derrick Donnelly commented
How about doing articles that are more in line with current events? Has been sate fun but then add some variety. I mean, Will you be doing articles on the Macarena and Ricky Martin soon?
Michael Martinez commented
[Deleted User] commented
Product Support shared this idea · Apr 2, 2018
[Deleted User] commented
Jaron Thomas shared this idea · Dec 8, 2018 · Delete…
[Deleted User] commented
Just stop ...... yahoo is overkill with the Kardashian-Jenner ****. Stop shoveling the phony superficial b.s. I thumb past all of the articles referencing that klan. However the article about Kim Kardashian lobbying to get a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson - i actually stopped and read this one. They are just white space fillers .... I am sure you can find something else.
J commented
Instead of show less, you need a show never. So sick of trying to find NEWS and only finding celebrity garbage, fashion garbage etc. If I see the kardashians or royal family or any of those people anymore, I'm going to puke
K S commented
Zephaniah 1V3 commented
Stop posting articles about Kardashians and Ariana grande. What happened to the real news?
Shelley McCullough commented
On any given day, I average 9 articles about the Kardashians. Do they pay Yahoo to write these things, because, as an intelligent, well-grounded woman, I could care less what is happening in the lives of these spoiled, shallow little girls and their plastic-filled mother. When choosing articles to fill the newsfeed, please be cognisant of those who don’t appreciate reality-drama. Thank you.
colin stevens commented
Your not kidding anyone with this kardashian ********. Nobody cares. You look bad. We all know they pay you to put this garbage as “news”. I only signed up to tell you to ******* stop, your news is already considered a joke. Get off of it. You are not fooling ANYONE.
ron baldon commented
Just keep all the Crapdashain clan off my yahoo account.
Zephaniah 1V3 commented
Stop posting vh1 Kardashian articles, its sickening.
Debbie Garland commented
I was just going to add my suggestion and saw it was already #1. Apparently, this means nothing to Yahoo. I will not be using Yahoo anymore until they come up with a filter so I can get rid of every other article about the Kardashians. Of course, if Yahoo actually did that, they may not have anything left to post.
Carmen Casimir commented
I totally agree. I came on here to say, just that. Then I see others with the same problem. I'm not alone, thank you, God!
P.S. I hit the flag button by accident, and it won't let me undo. No more Kardashians, please. How can I change my news setting to stock, business, classifieds, or something other than entertainment? I have tried. -
Prety Sharma commented
You are wasting your time and ours with Kardashian stories. They live in a bubble and so do you if you think the world sees them as idols. What you write and put out in the world affects people and pushing these self absorbed, vain and entitled people into your top news is a disservice to you customers who are trying to be informed about actual important world news. Please get your integrity back for all of our sakes.
James Valentine commented
No more Kardashian’s stories.
Andrew Scott commented
See above
Sally Vlasaty commented
Stop The Kardashian/ Jenner stories!!
MPDC commented
Amen j b
MPDC commented
Agreed please stop. I cant figure why people give a **** about them so much.