tired of liberal spin
How about posting news articles that are politically unbiased for a change. Not everyone in America is a liberal. There are such things as conservatives and Independents. I take what Yahoo says with a grain of salt because i know it's immediately spun against anything not hard-line liberal.
Carol Cotton commented
I have a yahoo.com account for 20 years, but you are the problem with that I am closing my account. Antifa kills, burns but they are a peace protest. Americans are tired of our officials getting rich when we are getting poor. you are a communist and I am done with yahoo, Google and Yaboo
Charles Madsen commented
Let me block ALL non email related notifications from Yahoo, and stop with all the conservative bashing.
Alemu Ayersam commented
I real i dont like the way you bring the news and it looks like one side reporte u have write about the ethiopia situation, im not looking from u to do nothing but it's good try to report the Honest and truth full news for Every one.
Time Traveler Traveler commented
Would like to see yahoo be an unbiased news outlet in politics.
Anonymous commented
So many of your articles use language that colors the news with you opinion. Try more objectivity.
Tina Martinez commented
I'm tired of seeing stories about Joe Biden. He is corrupt there was voter fraud he is not going to be President. Your lying on here and I don't want to see fake news
Adrian Buitron commented
Have your writers put both sides of the story not just one. You have democrats say admit defeat and you have a writer named Dylan Stableford putting some articles out but it shows only one side. Your team is pushing a agenda and its clear to see. Why is it that they can't report that for the past 4 years Democrats were trying to impeach and had their circus yet now your group is pushing like Democrats are right? Hmmm seems bias.
eezzed eezzed commented
Trying being impartial....That's what news is supposed to be..
Robin Johnson commented
You are trying to sway people a certain way do you not have faith in people?
Ula Calla commented
The reason Yahoo killed comments was because they were trying to limit the spread of misinformation....the kind of misinformation you just posted. You, and your misinforming ilk, cost all the rest of us the ability to post here, not woke liberal feminist transgender black muslims. You.
You are misinformation personified.
Tami Hudson commented
You are so out of touch with real Americans. Biden has not won the election. In December the election officials will turn in the electoral votes for the states. At which time it will most likely be stuck in litigation. Regardless, it's not over until its over. You and all the other networks have been so busy being woke and catering to the feminists, the Muslims , the transgenders , the BLM , antifa,etc that you dont see reality. You will all see when the real American people speak up. You've gone too far and cheaters never prosper.
Paul Macias commented
Please stop trying to sensationalize and just report the news. You do not have to be so blatantly biased. If you took the time to read how you write your so called news articles, you would see how biased you are.
Victor Arbuzow commented
Most of the articles are biased against President Trump. I'm starting to get discouraged with your one sided coverage
christine jefferson commented
The New York times is not the way to go. I keep saying such biased articles it's really making me mad and I just wanted to delete the whole app try to be a little bipartisan
Michael Thomas commented
You do not have any coverage in your homepage covering suppression of speech from Twitter and Facebook or explosive news regarding the bidens corruption in Ukraine and Russia.
[Deleted User] commented
The Good Morning story on the so called married couple the Hortions was deplorable. They are not the only ones who have experienced housing racism
William Landwehr commented
Of the Biden and Trump articles, you have 84% of articles on Trump which are negative and of Biden's articles, about 16% are negative. Balanced journalism? You are ruining your reputation Yahoo, as trash emotional journalism. What a dishonor to the American people.
Lisa Matyas commented
Tired of the media being dominated by Leftist thinking...the danger of propaganda and total in the tank spin, agenda driven bias! This will get President Trump re elected ...it’s not about Trump...we can’t stand you tearing down this country. The power of brain washing that has been done by higher education. The Communists are winning from having infiltrated from within. Learn history and understand how you have been useful idiots to their plan. Also, why don’t do cover a story on Venezuela...why Cubans vote Conservative...ever ask yourself why? Or do you follow the insane thinking of Sean Penn the scholar???? This is why Journalists have a lower rating than politicians...not sure any group rates lower than Journalists.
Ula Calla commented
That’s not what the CDC said. You should check your own “facts”.
stanton stewart commented
Two cops ambushed in LA last night. Ambulances to hospital blocked by protesters. Can't find anywhere on Yahoo "news feed". Found a lot of anti Trump bs though. Leaves anyone who can think for themselves, that this website thinks of the people who protect us as disposable