Restore article commenting.
Restore article commenting.
Ron Wilkie commented
At the very least change the verbiage from temporary to permanent. It's disingenuous.
C D commented
comments need to be brought back its been over a year your temporarily comment is totally bogus now temporarily could of been up to 3 months not over a year bring it back and stop being afraid of the truth being put out there ton contradict the Lies posted over and over again on your site.
Michael Biehl commented
Hopefully you'll stop publishing "negative" NFL articles that generate all the "negative" commentary.
nick wimble commented
Yahoo is afraid that people will have their own opinions.
Moo Cow commented
Marc Morin commented
Why is Yahoo so afraid of comments??? Not sure, but best guess is it's to suppress our voices and only let theirs's be heard, otherwise they would lose control of propagating "their" message. T
Most other left news outlets did the same thing about 3 years ago. It's the Dem Socialist Plan, step 1 - quell the first amendment - freedom of speech.
larry baird commented
Why are you waiting so long to start article comments again? Just a short while ago it started and then stopped again.
Kathy Evans commented
Please allow commenting on your articles. By not allowing people to comment, you are not allowing free speech or opinions to be freely given. We can learn from seeing other people's opinions. If someone is offended or hurt by an opinion, that is on THEM. They can choose not to take an opinion personally and to listen to others' thoughts and ideas. By turning this feature off, it shows that minds are closed and that do not want free thought expressed.
[Deleted User] commented
REMOVE COMMENTS 100% IF YOU ARE GOING TO CONTINUE TO BE SO FAR LEFT BIASED. YAHOO, you censure facts in posts just because you don't like them. Whoever it is that you pay to review comments is probably work from home and not even paying attention at this point. I've had some posts rejected where it was obvious the reviewer didn't even bother to read the post.
danny yao commented
I was thought only China and North Korea has censorship cultures in this world..However, I found that I was wrong! U.S.A too!
Boov commented
No comments allowed on left wing opinioned articles. What a sham. Way to stay objective Yahoo. It's absolutely sad what the left is doing to this country. If we could get rid of the people on the extreme left and the extreme right, we would be much better off.....
xx xx commented
Every article Yahoo posts is either pro-Left or engages in race-baiting like today's missing woman article. The lefitst kids who assemble this blather are not intellectually strong enough to tolerate reader feedback, so they have to censor it out.
Reptar ⠀ commented
i LITERALLY typed "this!!" in agreeance with someone's post and my comment was rejected for not adhering to community guidelines........? like this is ridiculous. there is more censoring here than on club penguin.
Dennis Cutlip commented
Such Liberals articles and such nonsense content......from Rolling Stone "Manchin Cooks Planet" so he saved our country from passing entitlements and now making people earn things and not sit on their backsides thinking they deserve the news not articles from "journalists" that are so biased with their liberal way of thinking..... bring back where we can comment on their article....
Ann commented
Please bring back comments. I really miss all those left wing morons trying in vain to make excuse for this dingbat we have in office now. I still picture them screaming like morons over Trumps election.
John McCarty commented
Yahoo, you are cowards, censoring comments doesnt make you right, it makes you cowards.
Dennis Walsh commented
PLEASE bring back comments. I really miss all those right wing morons trying in vain to sound like they have the faintest idea what they are talking about. I always like the picture of them drooling all over their keyboard while just in their shorts.
Dan McGrail commented
I am increasingly trying to open yahoo posts that mandate a subscription and a cost. I have found that I can copy the post's title, go to and can read the entire article without a subscription. I have always used for my home page but the frustration of not being able to open articles is growing.
Myron Clay commented
Let it fly, it exposes the way people feel deep down inside. It may not be nice or politically correct but most of it is true feelings at the moment.
nee nunya commented
They stopped comments in Jan ?
Well some of you guys do need to tone it down, some.
But its not healthy for a society to not be able to express themselves either.