Restore article commenting.
Restore article commenting.

Dmitry Balsyavichus commented
It's been too long without the comments! We want comments enabled and we want it now! Listen to your customer base!
Anonymous commented
It's been 2 years since you "to improve our community experience" and temporarily suspend comments. What progess have you made?
[Deleted User] commented
What is the point in this garbage feedback site, it you just delete mine (and had zero offensive language)!!!!!!!!!
[Deleted User] commented
What is the point in this garbage feedback site, it you just delete mine (and had zero offensive language)!!!!!!!!!
Michael Allenby commented
Here's an idea... support and defend the United States Constitution to INCLUDE FREE SPEECH and not just the parts YOU like! How about that for an idea YAHOO?
Sunny Day commented
Yahoo continues to publish a majority of far left points of view. Without comments or voting on articles, it's clear you don't want feedback. You want to push your political views without recourse. Ironically you can vote positive or negative on the ads you post on your home page.
Lesley Crochet commented
You could stop being lying ******* who censor free speech. "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."
Michael Allenby commented
Michael Allenby commented
Stop supressing free speech and allow comments! Not complicated YAHOO's!
Brent Risner commented
Is it coincidental hat while Biden's popularity wanes by the hour, Yahoo allowed less and less comments relating to stories about him. That wouldn't have happened if he had lost to Trump I'll betcha.
john bornhop commented
right on
belly commented
Yahoo is Portal Website. A postal website invites you to visit websites where the original story appeared. Stories that appear on Yahoo, have been printed on other sites first, then Yahoo imports those stories for you to read. Some of these other sites offer commenting and voting on comments. Most will want you to register your email before you can comment.
Paranoia and fear usually do not come with the stories. You supply those yourself.
Richard commented
A friend of mine says he can see Yahoo reader comments but I cannot. He thinks I have been blacklisted due to my political leanings. We have same political beliefs which are right of center. What is up? Yahoo/Verizon now totalitarian communist front?!
[Deleted User] commented
So glad is treating us like we live in North Korea or China......Not......We live in America where we have a US Constitution which guarantees freedom of press and free speech. But I guess the communist dictators of yahoo see it a different way.
danny yao commented
free speech in America? no?
Tommy Stevens commented
Stop picking and choosing which articles you allow commenting for and which ones you don't. Either eliminate comments altogether or allow commenting on all articles.
Brian Brackbill commented
Re-instate the ability to comment period. I have nothing more to add to all the good points posted in support of resuming the comment feature.
belly commented
The argument over whether to resume comments should be evident in the many responses saying free speech is being violated. Say whatever you want in your own house, I really don't care. This platform is outside your home and I expect you to act as if you are in a public space. Many times this platform was used for racist rants and hate to spread, If you think it is best for your kids (and everyone elses)to read hate propaganda at such a young age, what do you think they will be like in 20. If you have considered that kids will read it, and still want comments back, you are self centered and irresponsible.
Jim Salvage commented
It’s St. Petersburg, Florida and Saint Petersburg, Russia, as any good editor worth his vodka would know. St. Petersburg is not in Russia as reported in todays piece regarding Rep. Cawthorn’s introduction to his soon to be ex-wife. That’s why the comments section should be restored to news articles. Someone needs to teach these kids how to edit. 12/30/2021
oldman winter commented
Though I miss the occasional funny comment or comment with links to a more in-depth story, I like it now more without comments. Nice and quiet without the haters. Please keep the comments off.