Restore article commenting.
Restore article commenting.
Doc B... commented
I find it very sad that we are not aloud to post our response to so many articles that you have on here , if you truly want to know how others feel you will allow it to happen again
It all seems so very one sided . just listen to the voice of all of the people -
Kyle Keene commented
Yahoo, your a bunch of chickenshits for not allowing your followers to comment. Your giving your opinion and no one else can give theirs??? Typical liberal move!
Aj John commented
Exactly stop censoring our speech. Who are you to judge
Aj John commented
Bring back comments you are violating our free speech
Donald P. Ferguson commented
I enjoyed being able to voice my opinion on things that were posted. what happened?
Did people get offended by the remarks? -
Pamela Laine commented
Sick of Yahoo's obvious censorship of we the people's voices on your COVID articles, which are so full of propaganda and lies about what is really going on and the REAL science of microbiology, virology, vaccinology, and immunology. Decades of research show natural immunity is far superior to vaccine immunity. Yahoo's "journalism" is utterly appalling and obviously pandering to moneyed interests. Stop. Being. Evil. As per Rana Foroohar's "Don't Be Evil."
Joseph Bitzan commented
Why does Yahoo feel it appropriate to censor comments while simultaneously fighting for free speech for the media? I also wonder if Yahoo management understand the meaning of the word "temporarily".
Alex Long commented
All my comment have been rejected, why?
Will harry commented
What happened to free speech ********? Where is commenting? I left AOL and I can leave you. I already don't read your leftist articles!
Iwan Simonis commented
Iwan Simonis commented
eric blair commented
It's around a year you have "temporarily" suspended commenting. This is a total lie! Either you are too stupid to know what temporary means or you are lying. There are no other alternatives.
Bill Parrish commented
Restore commenting, stop protecting Joe. Enough Trump bashing, move on.
Rob C commented
Even if they ever return to full commenting, they've created a MASSIVE blacklist where user comments are automatically rejected for violating the guidelines, despite the fact the comment does no such thing.
Yahoo has become fascist, it's really sad to see.
Mafe FERNANDA T commented
No puedo comentar o responder a sus noticias pues me envía a gmail. Para qué tengo yahoo si me mandan a gmail.
Michael Cashman commented
I received the following - email - AT&T member <>
I believe it is scam. -
belly commented
Business owners rely on people. I do not know a business owner, who refuses customers based on religious or political preferences. I have seen people say anything, including the absurd, to get their own way.
Stay the course yahoo. Their are plenty of news publications that offer the service these people are looking for. They find the links using your portal website.
John Boyd commented
As a business owner I refuse to advertise on Yahoo and I attempt to avoid those that advertise on this liberal progressive site. I want access to all points of view and I want to comment and read other's comment regardless if I agree or disagree with the content. Censorship at any level is counter productive and only creates suspicion and mistrust of those with opposing views.
Steven Enloe commented
Ok Yahoo, it‘s time to remove this notice at the bottom of every article on your site, and allow commenting.
Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.
You can’t hide the truth from the world that people have their opinions and that is all that it is, a meaningless opinion from one person. Why is Yahoo afraid of being criticized for allowing freedom of the people to have an opinion on a news article you have allowed to be published on your site. Just stop allowing these article to be published on your site and you won’t have to worry about what the public thinks about the comments posted about those article. it‘s time to find your backbone and regain your spine and allow comments on your articles again.
You are doing the exact opposite of what your statement is stating, you are not creating a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions, you in fact doing nothing of the sort. There are so many posting about this topic here and still nothing has been done to allow commenting to resume so it is quite obvious you don’t care at all about the people that read your site. -
Concerned Citizen commented
Thought I would check in. Still no commenting on news articles so I will return to services where I can comment.. Lost clicks for Yahoo.