New yahoo
2024 New Yahoo is terrible!!! I'm actually considering leaving it out of my news roll of which it is a staple. Absolutely hate this new setup.

Bert Dunn commented
Im NOT a fan of the new currently ! My home page that I could customize was useful. The new home page is useless. Please change it back to the way it was! Give the customers what they want/need and not what you think we want/need.
Ronnie Widener commented
I had my old homepage customized with what I wanted. This new abortion is worthless and I am looking at a new home page.
michael davis commented
If you've made it so we can no longer have the home page that we customized and personalized, why don't you at least make that ****** new home page customizeable ? You forced this completely UNNECASSARY change on us, now at least allow us to make it easier for us to use.
Rick Lepore commented
What makes you think separate in sports and news from a homepage would make people like it , why not just have two separate pages of somebody else that’ll give you one with sports and one with news
Rick Lepore commented
Everything is more organized on the old page
Rick Lepore commented
Bring back my old myyahoo page. This new one is terrible.
Cynthia Weaver commented
The new one is useless, and stupid.
Deanna Jenkins commented
no bookmarks really ruined my day
Dena Schechter commented
The ability to to customize the homepage is critical. I dont want content that is germinated without regard to the end user's needs or interests
JA Grippo commented
It's a waste to put a Post on your site. You have to had thousands by now to realize you screwed up.
Darrell L Channell commented
My home page that I could customize was useful. The new home page is useless. Please change it back to the way it was! Give the customers what they want/need and not what you think we want/need.
JA Grippo commented
I have not read the new home page once... I've been getting my info elsewhere.
JA Grippo commented
You can improve Yahoo by giving us back our own Home Page.
m m commented
ready! fire! aim!
yahoo's development process
ditto to the plethora of dissent
Leon Bell commented
Bring Back "My Yahoo". The replacement is terrible.
Mark Loehrs commented
Ya new page is terrible. Bring back My Yahoo page
Walter J Meldrum III commented
The new format is terrible. Done with yahoo.
Jim Smith commented
I hate the new set up! I can't choose the sports teams I want to follow. Finding the news I want to read takes longer.
Lisa A Taylor commented
Google is now my home page because of this change to Currently. I cannot find a way to customize the new page and It has all the "News" that I was able to keep off of My Yahoo home page... This is a Colossal Miss by ATT and what their customers want. I will keep my email, but I will not have the Currently page as my home page.
Tracey Wring commented
Takes forever to respond to clicks. The reload of ads is a time sucking waste. Terrible home page, Bye, bye Yahoo until you revert back to old, customizable My Yahoo as it was.