Yahoo Homepage H
Welcome to our Yahoo Homepage feedback forum!
This is a place for you to help shape the Yahoo Homepage experience. We review the most popular, feasible ideas from this forum to make positive changes to your Yahoo Homepage.
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- Please search and vote before posting! If your idea (or an idea very similar to yours) has already been posted, please vote for it. Duplicated ideas may be moved.
- This forum is for feedback and ideas only. Unfortunately, we cannot provide support here. For support, please find answers on our help site.
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2052 results found
1181st ranked
1181st ranked
Why give me the option to check out the new homepage look when its not finished???
I logged in and this big pop up appeared on the side of my screen giving me the option to try out the new homepage... So I did and it was 99% UN-finished... Why in the world would you allow me to see it and not even have it half way done??? All I seen was some video in the center or screenshot of a video nothing written about it and a bunch of stuff on the sides basically saying its not finished... I refreshed the screen thinking it might not of loaded right but it didnt help... Then it…
1181st ranked -
1181st ranked
1181st ranked
instead of more gun requirements,try some mental health efforts
How much are we going to hobble stable law abiding gun owners?Get better at recognizing mental health issues and help those tortured people oh, yes, that is more difficult! it is not the stable people shooting it up,but people disturbed or at the end of control in their lives. Make some strides in helping those people, they need it. Not knee jerk reactions. Govern, that is why we hired those elected officials.
1181st ranked -
Je ne suis plus reconnu sur mon adresse je dois passer systématiquement par un autre mode de connection.
Merci de m'indiquer le moyen d'éviter cela. Sinon je me verrai obliger de changer de service.
1181st ranked -
I changed my phone number, I cannot login !!!
I changed my phone number, I cannot login !!!
1181st ranked -
Close your doors forever
Yahoo is pathetic and is run by a flock of democratic twerps.
1181st ranked -
Nothing can improve Yahoo
For all that read the news. If your left, your wrong. If your right, your wrong. If your in the middle, your wrong. Funny that the ones making the rules are the ones we vote for and they are the crooked. Got Yahoo in their pocket.
1181st ranked -
1181st ranked
I cannot find the "send" tab when I compose an email?
I cannot find the "send" tab when I compose an emal????
1181st ranked -
1181st ranked
App Performance
Why is Yahoo Mail so slow lately? I constantly have to hit the reload icon and then resend to continue to the next page.
1181st ranked -
network security
linked to this account is a LGELMQ730 phone linked to which I DO NOT HAVE. My phone comes up as LG only yet nothing else. Check to see if LGELMQ730 is linked to a Shayla Gaynor who molsted my Daughter and erase the LGELMQ730.
1181st ranked -
1181st ranked
1181st ranked
1181st ranked
times up
as of now you have held up comments for six months this is not a tempoty issues it seems that you have done so permanently or is it just a targeted campaign to keep honest opinions away from readers
1181st ranked -
1181st ranked
- Don't see your idea?