Yahoo Homepage H

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2206 results found
Redo changes
Change the changes you made back to what it was. The new layoput is terrible, it looks like someone in kindegarten created the layout. I was always using the financial layout for information. Also whnever the browser is opened it states with the last page opened instead of going to the home page.
1232nd ranked -
Stop showing donald trump
Show other stuff we need positive stuff not a traitor to America and people acting like idiots.
892nd ranked -
What happened to my customized "My.Yahoo" home page?
When my tab opens, it goes to Not page!
1232nd ranked -
The news roll gets stuck on an advertisement when trying to scroll through headline pages. Either fix this or I’ll find another news source
Fix the news roll so it doesn’t get stuck on an advertisement when scrolling through the 1-8 headline pages or I will switch from Yahoo to an alternate browser and news source. Yahoo is aware of the issue and has done nothing about it. I think it’s mot a glitch and you collect more from advertisers for having it stuck on their page.
1232nd ranked -
Return Old finance page
Support this post 100%. New format is classic example of a change just to keep page designers employed. New site is the pits and I’m looking for a new site to provide me financial info in a clear and concise format
1232nd ranked -
Get rid of OPINIONS or bias in your news reporting. You can tell just based on the titles. Most annoying home page.
Out of the 15 top news today, 11 are anti trump. I don't need any left or right leaning articles that are clearly biased and opinion based. Can we just get out of opinions and just report the facts? Are there any unbiased news journalists anymore? I understand news will always be reported at different angles, but should never be at the expense of actual facts. Just give us the facts, not hearsay. Please. Do better.
350th ranked -
Commenting on ads
Ad commenting
1232nd ranked -
Every comment I read on yahoo is automatically rejected even if I just say “yes” or “exactly” It’s a horrible procedure in policy especially
my ideas that you stop violating peoples free speech by automatically rejecting every comment they make it’s just a horrible terrible policy and it needs to stop
892nd ranked -
your content is becoming increasingly inaccurate and unreliable... grammar is frequently not up to par... needs editors.
your content is becoming increasingly inaccurate and unreliable... grammar is frequently not up to par... needs editors.
22nd ranked -
Your censors block remarks that do not violate Yahoo's guidelines, but merely state a different viewpoint from their own.
This comment of mine was rejected in an article on gun control. Why?
"Because Repubicans block crime bills and anything else proposed by Democrats. You claim Democrats attack "the law-abiding?" This is why Repubicans can't win elections without gerrymandering. Because the majority of Americans are tired of obstruction, hyperbole and inability to tell the truth."
39th ranked -
Stop refreshing automatically!
Stop refreshing automatically! I would like to continue scrolling down to see what I haven’t read yet!
892nd ranked -
New name for Yahoo.
Since all your news is about trump. Call it
437th ranked -
Worst app and website ever
Always opens the app when I want to be on the site and then when trying to view stuff in the app it has links that are not supported by the app, how dumb
712th ranked -
Stop posting about the Kelce's constantly!
212th ranked -
Stop force feeding your liberal ideology.
Your one sided liberal viewpoint and badmouthing the conservative viewpoint in your news posts are so exhausting and unfair, I can't take it anymore. If you want to be taken seriously, please look at both sides of the fence and report WITHOUT bias. It is so obvious and overdone and frankly disgusting at this point.
24th ranked -
Why blocked from seeing comment?
Why are you blocking users right before election? I call that interference myself.
892nd ranked -
26th ranked
Hi, I had a bitcoin in my Yahoo Mail years ago and I can't find it. Please help me find it.
Hi, I had a bitcoin in my Yahoo Mail years ago and I can't find it. Please help me find it.
1232nd ranked -
1232nd ranked
Use an emailed link for direct access instead of a code for two-step access. It's a lot easier.
Here is a suggestion for everyone looking to improve security in a helpful way.
Why not send, upon user request, an email link that leads directly to the access required.
It avoids the fuss of going back and forth from one email account to another email account (in the case of using one yahoo email account to request a code to be sent to another of one's own yahoo email accounts for access to the first yahoo email account) of the same provider. And it avoids the drudgery of copying and opening the other email, and pasting the numerical code.…
1232nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?