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2052 results found
Stop reloading all the time! Hate starting over!
Stop reloading all the time! Hate scrolling thru already read stories!
855th ranked -
Stop being one sided political.. ive noticed it since your writer tried to shove hillary down our throats .. you insights are pointless..
Your force feeding us democrats when you shouldn't be on either side
687th ranked -
Stop being liberal.
Stay neutral don’t side with anyone.
687th ranked -
Please stop send me articles about singers and hollywood people.d
I am NOT interested in news about singers, actors and actresses.
598th ranked -
move away from the far left ******* and a little closer to center
now that yahoo seems to be woke, maybe it's time to wake up
515th ranked -
I would like to know why you on post articles negative to the republican party and not the democrat party?
Why do you only post articles that a negative to the republican party and never to the democrat party. Your bias is showing.
277th ranked -
Make the text larger! Now/Soon!
If I can't read it, it is useless.
1181st ranked -
please only include reputable news organizations in home screen. No Cool Down or Fox news
Please only include reputable news organizations in home screen. No cool down or Fox news!
253rd ranked -
Ridding MyYahoo of My Portfolio detail was a terrible idea. It was the last useful thing in MyYahoo after local calendar events went away.
My Yahoo was once a slightly clunky but outstandingly information-rich personal portal. It has been turned into a sleeker nothingburger now. There is no reason to go there. Why? It was a site that I used to keep open all day in my browser. What is it now?
1181st ranked -
How do I remove rags like Blaze from my news feed?
Remove Blaze from the newsfeed.
1181st ranked -
Lose your left wing bias. Your site is trash
Lose your left wing bias. Your site is trash
253rd ranked -
1181st ranked
PUT BACK THE YAHOO NEWS WIDGET!!!!!!!! The widget is where I read Yahoo news!!!!!!!!
Why did you remove the Widget!?!? It's where I go for news!!!!!!
1181st ranked -
How about not having 80% of your news stories involve trump?
How about not having 80% of your news stories involve trump? You're just spreading his lies further and further
1181st ranked -
stop posting misleading headlines
why does Yahoo insist on writing misleading headlines showing your complete bias. Putting your opinions into headlines is NOT NEWS ! The majority of America does not care what the liberal biased media is saying and you have lost all trust
86th ranked -
372nd ranked
I want to read feedback to my comments on articles and respond. I cannot always do that. It's a very difficult process to navigate.
I want to read and respond to comments on my responses to articles, so far the process is hit or miss.
30th ranked -
1181st ranked
I have tried extensively to manage my publishers and yet the minute I leave the web page the ones I removed are back? Why?
Delete should mean they are permanently removed until I decide to re-add them. What is with Yahoo? I've never gotten a response and would like to know why you have a "Manage Publishers" option at all. It's a joke on us. Apparently, I need to change my Yahoo browser to a site that actually respects my wishes.
84th ranked -
Truth about Gaza Tunnels and hospitals
Stop making headlines only about the suffering of innocent Gaza citizens, show who Hamas is, tunnels of horror, tunnels under hospitals and Hamas using innocent Palestinians as shields.
While many Gaza citizens are innocent, many are eenabling Hamas.419th ranked
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