Yahoo Homepage H

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2224 results found
PAPERS PLEASE, the posotus wants tp force Americans to get a pasport to travel freely in the United unAmerican is that.....
Will you ever learn that every time a democrat takes office...more of our freedoms end
1231st ranked -
Remove the "stop" at the end of each page of e-mail. just let e-mail continue so I can scroll down through all
Remove the "stop" at the end of each page of e-mail. just let e-mail continue so I can scroll down through all....pages should not "end" we should be able to scroll through e-mail "forever"..........I forget that there could be more e-mail when I reach the bottom of the first page. No need to make "pages" just continue e-mails. PLEASE, like it used to be.
Thanks1231st ranked -
1231st ranked
End the website forever
There is only the need for 1 Government controlled website.
NOTHING, repeat NOTHING posted as articles on YAHOO is unbiased.It’s ALL propaganda.
1231st ranked -
Your site is great, but...
I wanted to use Yahoo for my primary, but you have too many bad ideas. I'm over contact and e-mail, but for news you're "good enough"... stop with the click and open in some weird pop-up. If I click ANYWHERE it goes back to the news page? Really stupid... please stop that...
1231st ranked -
NOBODY wants to see old ladies (Madonna, Paulina, J-Lo) sexualized you sick freaks
WTF is wrong with people at Yahoo??
1231st ranked -
1231st ranked
1231st ranked
Site Navigation
AGAIN, when I'm viewing your Home page and I click on an article, it takes me to the News page. Once I arrive at the News page and finish the article, I find I am locked onto the News page. The only way to get back to the Home page is to select Home on the menu bar and start all over again scrolling down the WHOLE PAGE. If you stay in News, all you have to look forward to is the same process, read an article and start back all over again at the top of the section, and…
892nd ranked -
Unbiased reporting
Case in point are headlines about Park Cannon who is overstepping his bounds as a legislator. If it were you or I we would still be in jail. The police have rules they follow and Park Cannon is not above those rules. And neither is your news organization Yahoo.
1231st ranked -
Where is the REAL news?
Evergreen blocking Suez Canal. Biden Border a disaster. But yahoo reports on free donuts.
1231st ranked -
I'm tired of Yahoo Search stealing focus.
On the Yahoo home page, if you accidentally bump a letter key on your keyboard it types in the search box and gives you a bunch of suggestions. If I wanted to type in the search box I would click on it, it's an annoyance to have it stealing focus like that.
1231st ranked -
1231st ranked
just the news.
Yahoo is all one sided political garbage.
1231st ranked -
1231st ranked
1231st ranked
Liberal Yahoo at it Again! POS (and yes, you know what this stands for)
I see Yahoo continues to headline the news about President Trump, GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert and other republicans who seem to be in the line of "FAKE NEWS!" Tell the real story Yahoo! POS news outlet!
1231st ranked -
yahoo mail is only open to yesterday and earlier. How do I correct this to view today's email. You don't have a user friendly help service
Set up a user friendly help service
1231st ranked -
Please take the videos of people hanging themselves of the site permanently kids are still finding it and think that is cool. My niece died of hanging and video herself doing so she could brag that she did it and is still her - well guess what she ISN'T. I would like to know who is responsible for these posting so I can sue the right person.
1231st ranked -
I am tired of seeing hack "journalism" constantly being shoved in my face.
I've already tried to cut HuffPost out of my feed, but I keep seeing this trash. Yahoo seriously needs to vet it's sources, as most of what I get is slacktivist "journalism" packed with speculation, assumptions, and opinions instead of objective reporting. I could list many more, but HuffPost is always at the top and in my feed.
Also, these forums as an excuse for customer service is unacceptable. You continue to show disdain for your users as you deny them privacy, and must show their profile and give information to everyone who has nothing to do with issues between…
1231st ranked
- Don't see your idea?