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  1. Why cant i choose my own yahoo home page, you insist on sending me to, the news is always 24 or more hours old when posted

  2. Put the time emails received back to 12 hour time not 24 hour time  ·  Reviewed

  3. You changed something, my portfolio is not changing for Friday, 04-12-24 closing market???  ·  Reviewed

  4. I am not married to my cellphone 24/7, like some are. I resent needing to go get my cellphone when I want to sign-in to my yahoo account.  ·  Reviewed

  5. How do i restore lost mail from the past 24 hours  ·  Reviewed

  6. Please include access to recipes next time.  ·  Gathering feedback

  7. Prevent Hydra Brute Force Attacks Please- limit number of attempts per IP address 24 hr wait

  8. Several mutual funds have stop updating their historical pricing as of 4/24/18.  ·  Responded

  9. How many emails can I receive in 24 hours from one website or subscription service  ·  Reviewed

  10. Email shutdown 24 hours

  11. Hire More Staff if Yahoo Mail is Going to PROMISE 24/7 Care **PLEASE and THANK YOU!**  ·  Reviewed

  12. Stop covering text with racist 'black is the new black'

  13. Dear Admin Yahoo Indonesia, mohon izin share bebrapa berita menarik:

  14. Address Incorrectly being pulled from old listings that are inactive

  15. Chart Holding Value is higher than All Portfolio Holdings by 24%  ·  Reviewed

  16. another snafu from irs the links to there TOOLS? goes no where why is it taking so long why is the press idle? and why isnt irs working 24/7

  17. Target percentage vs Outlook percentage - Why is MU showing target at 24% and Outlook at 47 %. Could someone explain whats the difference  ·  Reviewed

  18. Yahoo should not help this company to sale the TV sruf antenna to cheat your readers,

  19. Why did email convert from 12 hour to 24 hour clock with no way to switch back?  ·  Reviewed

  20. Will you ever end your 24/7 hate campaign against the GOP?

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