I would like to express my appreciation for Yahoo!'s effort to report news esp. Singapore news in such a prompt and timely manner.
I would like to express my appreciation for Yahoo!'s news reporting, esp. Singapore news, in such a prompt and timely manner. I wonder if it is possible for the Yahoo! news team to also make editorial comments regarding newsworthy and popular/controversial issues/topics of the day on a weekly if not daily basis, and to engage your readers on them? There is a much needed more neutral and non-partisan and forthright press reporting here in Singapore as you are obviously well aware of. The only side and stand you need to take is an unbiased, neutral and objective one, uncolored by the vested interest of politics. Be fearless in your reporting from a universally moral standpoint. Readers like me would not be able to thank you enough when you adopt this approach.
Bo Leow commented
Also, to reflect an unbiased, neutral and objective news site, Yahoo should sack all its comment moderators as they keep deleting anti-opposition comments and post and also disable dislikes for these commentaters who support the view posted.
If Yahoo is seen and deemed as a biased news site, its fan base will slowly but surely go to other news site like Google or MSN!