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15 results found
2nd ranked
2nd ranked
Leo message 23rd March
Suppose to be Leo Horoscope yet this is what you say
If you think it’s not easy being a Cancerian right now, try being your partner, relative, friend or colleague! Cancerians are going through such amazing relationship transformations
What absolute rubbish
2nd ranked -
Mafs takes up the greater portion of your stories this morning, kindly find some real stories to report on, thank you.
1st ranked -
Can you please change your must read more often, boring after a couple day
2nd ranked -
2nd ranked
By not referring to every tuppeny-halfpenny, 10th rate actress as a "STAR
ÿour interpretation of the meaning of the word "STAR" is VERY, VERY loose. Just because they THINK they are "STARS" DOESN'T make them one !
2nd ranked -
30 Real Estate Entrepreneurship Ideas to Earn Money Would you like to undertake? Do you want to have your own company quickly and with littl
Why is Entrepreneurship Important?
Being an entrepreneur is the quality of starting something new to receive financial compensation. Its attraction lies in the economic growth, autonomy and constant learning that we have when we make the decision to undertake. Therefore, opening our own real estate business will always be a good idea, and although it is not the easiest path, it is very rewarding and important to take this step financially and professionally.
Here we tell you 3 reasons why entrepreneurship is important.
Economic Growth: Starting a business gives you financial freedom and gives you the possibility of generating employment…2nd ranked -
Do better
Well done posting a whole article for an alexa feature (smart wake) that wasn't and isn't in 2022 available in the country you're posting to.
Lazy journalism at its finest. No wonder yahoo is in the toilet.
2nd ranked -
Make sure you have all the horoscopes.
Make sure you have all the horoscopes , today Taurus is there twice and no Capricorn!
2nd ranked -
bad story choices for top news!
I'm so sick of coming here for news and seeing the number story is something completely ridiculous. This was your top story on a Sat evening. I'm saying goodbye to this **** after 20 years as my home page, going to MSN. Your staff need to be sacked!
2nd ranked -
The horoscope dates need to be adjusted
Under horoscopes, when you click on "weekly" it shows "this week" under the reading without any dates which doesn't matter as long as it's accurate, except it's not...or maybe the first ones are and later ones aren't? Dunno, read on and explore a conundrum I have been having...
To see what I mean for yourself, you can go to the weekly horoscope, look underneath where it says "this week" with two arrows to the left, click the arrow pointing to the right. It will now show "next week" with a different reading.
In order to determine whether my horoscope was…
2nd ranked -
Stop with the click-bait fake stories!
I saw the headline Honey boo boo is so thin now, she looks like a model. 900 slides later, after clicking through lame no name celebrities, it came to an end. No Honey boo boo. Wouldn't it be a great idea to not waste peoples time?
2nd ranked -
dawns v. dons
Please tell Megan Sims that the boy in camo does not "dawn" military clothing every day. He "dons" it. Thanks.
2nd ranked -
Story replies
Go F- Yourselves if you wont allow me to make a comment on your one-sided stupid ******* stories. ******* liberal ********!!!!
2nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?