Get rid of your Fxxxing American flag please
I am using Yahoo Australia. I've noticed that even though I choose Yahoo Australia, it shows an an American flag in the top right corner.
I have fiddled around and notice this doesn't happen with other countries.
What amazes me is that (a) Americans do really fxxxing stupid shxx like this, and then (b) act all surprised when people say they hate sooooooooo much.
Is it really that surprising???
My suggestion is GO FXXX YOURSELVES!!!!!
How about that??????
Oh, and by the way, if you send me an email telling me to change my settings, how about YOU CHANGE YOUR FXXXING DEFAULT SETTINGS MOTHER FXXXERS!!!
i.e. don't send me an email.... FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous commented
hiya... it's still there!
I really hope some hacker gets into your system and changes your flag
from a business perspective, you guys should know better... what you want to call a 'small' error is not just 'a mistake', from a business perspective it means a lack of systems.
Not what I used to expect from Yahoo... oh well, I guess it's a new era
good luck with what seems to be your final attempt to stay competitive with google... if this how you do it, then I can't see it lasting long
Anonymous commented
Does anyone at Yahoo read this stuff??
Haha... another perfect example of the way corporations are really just as impersonal as the government bureaucracies they always complain about.
I put this up a week ago, and so far .... nothing!
I also noticed it's the same for the NZ site. You really ought to just go through and double check stuff before you go live. And, in terms of defaults, let me give you some advice, it's better to have no flag than someone else's.
Count yourselves lucky that the error occurred with a country where our relationship implies some degree of elbow room to allow for forgiveable errors. But that is premised on not taking advantage. they say... get on with it!!!
Fix it!!!!