Vulgar headlines and no positive news.
In many of your stories you address people in barbaric ways. I struggle to find news that isn't some form of political slander. There is not much sense of humour found. Much of it reads as though written by tyrannical overlords ensuing impending death. Until a story of a ridiculously expensive revealing outfit. As if to give clues to why it's ending?
a j commented
Yahoo News has turned into a tabloid. Very little real news at all. Primarily it is all propaganda. Shame on you fools for thing people will just believe this ****. You poor left swingers drunk on your own delusions.
Xin H commented
is this a joke? lol some body been listening to Trump preach too much
Jake Beechey commented
Perhaps toning it down a notch? What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. Discover what evil is before painting so many visions of it?