I hv recd below email & suspected is a scam. Pls cfm
Dear User,
We received a request to terminate your account. Due to the verification message being ignored. Your request is being processed and all associated data will be removed from our server shortly.
If this wasn't you, Kindly click on the attachment below to Complete this Process below to cancel the request and continue account usage.
If you made this request, you're all set and no further action is required from you.
Yahoo! Member Services
Note: Your email address information is out-of-date.
Technical Team.
Yahoo uservoice commented
sign 08/2004 - 2021 no payment - vietnam all and all about im 27 year no payment ?
Yahoo uservoice commented
Dit me chung may deo lich su, spam sign
Chow PP commented
Must apologize that actually I am not giving any idea or comment. Just need someone from Yahoo to
cfm whtr the email I recd is a scam. If so, I will ignore it, otherwise I wl comply by filling in the attachment that came with the email. Thanks so much