Shame on Verizon-Yahoo.
Well OK, in 2020 & we are past the the age of ubiquitous Enterprise Resource Management (ERM) software. So, why is my Verizon-Yahoo (VY) account still relegated to 2001 software standards?
Today, my VY email can still only allow attachment less than 25 Megabytes to outbound personal email. I do not want to send all of my home .mpg files via Google & Gmail.
Also, for clarity, I enjoyed the 'set&forget' nature of Verizon-Yahoo email until it became painfully clear that my account(s) have been flooded with waves of SPAM that have not only marginalized the identity-integrity-independence of my VY email has erased the identity-integrity-of years of hard earned work & participation & collaboration.
They say Verizon is out of the email business...that my VY email is not administered on Verizon servers. This is a technical detail, an organizational aberration...for clarity, Verizon owns, Yahoo & AOL their email servers.
Will Verizon-Yahoo please re-instate some kind of standard for their email customers? I participated in all of the initialization sequences that occurred in 2015-2016 transfer & porting of Verizon email servers to Yahoo in the hope of acquiring better service. The more automated service should allow better access, and protection…it does not. For clarity, I find that very, relevant, 'Career Acquisition Process' emails get deleted from my local account & it is quite difficult to report these observations (complaint) anyone at Verizon-Yahoo.
Shame on Verizon-Yahoo... the waves of digital noise has broached the continuity & reciprocity of data & information stored over 20 years with Verizon-Yahoo. This make revival of necessary, documents, images, conversations & credentials for clinical purposes almost, impossible.
The salvation of the process is that there are alert, energetic folks staffing the live call lines…that is how I found this forum. The only other alternative is to deal with the ‘Bot Napoleonic complexes’ of what passes for online persona puerile personalities & be subject to the associated temper-tantrums.
I request Verizon-Yahoo’s advice-assistance to institute some form of governance...some form of, applied, rational & reproducible, Knowledge Management principle(s) to the accounts of their long-term(20 year) customers.
Thank you in advance.