Can you allow comments on articles without having to use social media? Believe it or not, many people don't use social media and don't want
john smith commented
Allow comments on EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE / STORY that you print so your biased storylines will be blown apart right in front of your eyes
Anonymous commented
How many lightbulbs does it take to ***** Marissa Mayer?
Answer: Four. Do the math.
Anonymous commented
Calling Marissa Meyer a moron is an insult to morons everywhere.
Anonymous commented
Marissa needs a new hairdo. Best to cut the hair all the way down to the neck, removing any residual brain matter left from smoking all that *****.
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful to have a place at the end of articles to share ideas, discuss solutions, and supply feedback in regards to the huge volume of mistakes made by Yahoo 'writers'.
I propose we call this the 'comments section'. Very simply, you would sign in, then a 'comments' box would open up, where you could write your own 'comments'. You could even reply to other's comments, or just agree or disagree by clicking on a 'thumbs up' icon or a 'thumbs down' icon.
I know, this is an 'outside the box' proposal, but I think its a good idea, and I'm willing to bet many others think so too.
It is very unlikely that Yahoo would follow a positive, nurturing path, due to the tyranny unleashed by Yahoo Head Moron Marissa Mayer, but I figure its worth a try.
Peter German commented
Yeah I hate reading an article and then hitting the comment button and the button just doesn't work. I will never read another yahoo article until they fix my comment button.
Boomer commented
You are really falling down on the job, and failing, Yahoo...
We cannot eve Comment On half the stuff any longer. Can't comment on Tech, nor political stuff.... You are becomming USELESS....Get with it.....
-- commented
Sign into your Yahoo! account.
it's as simple as that.
However, the newest page format seems to have a BROKEN comment button and the comments never open. I can tell there are no comments as if there are the number will appear next to that icon.
The comments button has a conversation balloon icon and is often grey with a purple icon (especially when it's broken).