The Penn. Attorney General is right, everyone has got to start being smarter as to who
they are listening to. That weasel of an attorney the Trump has makes everything he is involved in a circus. This is very important to voters like I
am. I have been very disheartened by the way our country has let this
election get out of hand. Trump and his attorney's have made this a laughing matter and it is not. This is about our country and what kind of country that we want and Trump is running around (as usual) like a chicken with its head cut off. I keep asking myself how this happen to our country and the answer is not inspiring when I have to face up to
the fact that 50% of the people are racist and bigoted and Trump is their cup of tea. That makes me sick because how can we change that. We can't if they do not learn the lessons that are necessary to
heal them this country has a lot of soul searching to do.