It bothers me that Stevens comments are under entertainment because what he has
to say is extremely important. The mention of McConnell brings up a subject about the Republican Party that has changed so much it is no
longer a political party anymore and McConnell is no longer a head of a
policitcal party. Trump and McConnell and the enablers that have gone before them are heads of an anarchistic structure. I am having a hard time naming what it is but it is not a democracy. McConnell is already dictating what he will or will not do in the Biden Admin. He has already stated what kind of stimulus will be distributed once the Senate is back in session. This is not a democracy. But the one thing I
would like to say is we can no longer be enablers of whatever McConnell thinks he is going to do or not do. We can no longer be enablers and fall down on our haunches and be quiet. Biden is not a BULLY, he will not run his admin by his sole authority. Thanks heavens for Biden/Harris. McConnell had better change his tune because he will get away with the BULLYing just so long. McConnell is trying to set the order of the day-that is why bullys do, right? Trump and McConnell are not the Republican Party that is in business with the Democrats in the demmocracy that runs our country. I am going to try and find the right words to explain what Trump/McConnell are but they are not US
they do not have the right to be a part of our country. This country has
shown that we are ready to fight for OUR country. Hold on to your hat McConnell - you are going to see the new day and it does not have the room for you any more.